149 Chapter 146 A Friend From The Pas (1/2)
Joseph stepped next to the generator and picked up the end of the silver coil. William, Stella and Daniel were with him.
A vague outline of a human form began to float in front of him.
”h.e.l.lo, Walter.”
”Um. Joseph, is that you?” asked Walter, in a fuzzy voice.
”How long have I been dead?” he asked, looking down at himself.
”About 6 months.”
”Wait, what?” Walter looked Joseph up and down, as if he was messing with him.
”Your family has likely been killed, along with most of the n.o.bles in the Oxalium Empire. The king is dead. The first prince became king and is now also dead. Only the second prince survived, and has taken asylum with me.”
”Wow. Things went even further to h.e.l.l than I was expecting.”
”Actually, not yet. I've been killing a lot of demons and cultists.”
”Joseph, are you serious?”
Walter paused for a moment, to mull over that.
”Did you summon me just to tell me that? That the family that betrayed me is also dead so that I might rest in peace?”
”No. I called you to ask, now that you don't have to worry about your family, if you wanted to serve just me?”
”How, I'm dead?”
”I can fix that. It's a lot harder without your body, but it also means I can create a new body for you. Maybe one without that knee issue you always complained of, whenever a storm was coming?”
”Is that allowed?”
”Yes, the G.o.ds are preventing me from doing time related magic, so I can't make it so you were never killed, but bringing you back is fine. Any particular race you prefer?”
”Wait, I don't have to be human?”
”I'm making a body for you. I could even put you into a golem if you want.”
”I want to be whatever Stella is.”
Stella raised an eyebrow at him.
”See? She's terrifying. I want to be like that.”
Joseph nodded. ”Ok.”
Daniel looks at him, ”Master Joseph, can I get a new body too?”
”Transforming you is way easier than resurrection. What do you want to be?”
”What are you going to be?”
”I'm trying to stay human, as most of my subjects are still human. And I'm still considering my options. I'm leaning towards fey, with dragon blood, and possibly some Atlantean.”
”Uh, can you just make me younger?”
”Technically, time magic is a no, but I can force your age onto something else, like a tree.”
”Then, if I die, will you bring me back?”
”As long as you're willing. I won't force you.”
Joseph turned back to Walter. ”You still want to be a guy, right? I mean if you don't, I won't judge but…”
”Yes, I want to be a man still.”
Joseph used a few drops of blood on some extra enchanted silver wire.
He forced the wire to go throughout the clay body he made of Walter, as he imagined he looked like at 17, except with much longer ears.
It hardened into a magical rock with an enchanted silver magical circuit path. Joseph gave it a few more drops of blood, to ensure his connection as he did the next part. Not having any pieces of his actual body made the difficulty significantly higher. Joseph prepared to cast the first spell at the same time as Joe cast the second.