145 Chapter 142 Laws For A New Kingdom (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 46900K 2022-07-22

”Alright. Brian, how are the patrol groups doing?”

Brian was his father's chief of guards. ”A few minor scuffles, but nothing much. I would like another 20% on the force, when the first of the alcohol is made, from the winery next month, though. Some of the food mages can make it through magic, but that's too expensive for most people. A lot of these people, from the kingdom, were heavy drinkers and now they've been dry for a few months. They are going to overindulge, and we expect fights and disturbances.”

”See to it. Also only allow 5 pubs in each district to serve alcohol the first week and get a mage capable of SLEEP, DAZE, or something similar at each location.”

”Yes, my king.”

”Brian, you've certainly gotten better since Miss Rachael agreed to marry you.”

”Yes, well, my king, being married to a woman who teaches etiquette, gives even an old guard captain like me a bit of motivation to speak more properly.”

”I'm still happy for you.”

”You honor me your majesty.”

”Now, how is the progress in the pottery division?”

”Well…apologies my king, it goes poorly. As you know pottery was a high cla.s.s item, so your father's slaves had few instructors. Any skilled potters were s.n.a.t.c.hed up by n.o.bles before your father could purchase them when they fell into slavery.”

”Understood, but continue.”

”We have made much progress, your majesty, but unfortunately, most of it has been with the aid of your earth mages. With their help, a number of issues can be gotten around, but sadly, many issues with actual craftsmans.h.i.+p cannot be overcome with magic.”

”Skill in shaping the earth is also critical. Was the pottery wheel design not helpful?”

”Oh, no, your majesty, for making simple plates and bowls and vases it is invaluable, but you wanted significantly more complex creations.”

”Yes, it's important. I will try and demonstrate personally tomorrow what I'm intending.”

”In other areas, the blacksmiths, goldsmiths, and silversmiths are making much progress. This strange new metal you gave us is almost impossible to form, but the tools made from it have been a blessing to all of the smiths. I never thought I would see a day when odd scissors could cut through flat iron plates.”

”Your majesty, if I may interrupt?” asked the secretary in charge of the printing projects Joseph had ordered.

”Yes, go on.”

”Are you certain you wish to display the laws for all to see? It will be much harder to change them if you wish, after copies are made?”

”Let's hear what you have.”

• You shall not physically harm another member of the kingdom unless protecting yourself or another from attack.

• Selling more than 10 items and exceeding 25 coins a week to a non-merchant requires you to register as a merchant

• Merchant tax is 20% of sale price on all goods sold to non-merchants. Merchants selling to merchants are not taxed.

• Attempts to avoid the tax in either letter or spirit will result in seizure of a.s.sets equal to 100 times the amount owed.

• Craftsmen who wish to register at a guild or own a store must present a piece of their sole work for inspection and pay the fee before they can be approved and display their sign.

• Theft will be repaid at 5 times the value of what was stolen.

• Accusations of **** will be confirmed magically and rapists will be executed.

• Accusations of murder will be confirmed magically and murderers will be executed.

• Intentional false accusations will merit the intended punishment upon the accuser.

• Adulthood for humans is recognized on their 12th birthday.

• Only adults may be hired for dangerous or s.e.x work.

• All s.e.x workers must register and submit to monthly health cleansing and sterility verification and must pay the tax for these services.

• A woman who is pregnant may require the male who gave her a child to marry her if she wishes.

• A man or woman who is married may not have s.e.x with anyone to whom they are not married.

• Wages for hire shall be paid in coin at the end of the working day or sooner.

• Gambling may only be for money currently in one's possession and never for property or money on loan.

• A man may never buy a woman alcohol or other drugs unless the woman is their wife.

• Children are recognized as citizens of the kingdom upon conception, forcing a woman to lose her child is murder.

• Slaves of members of the kingdom are still members of the kingdom and protected by these laws.

”That sounds about right. Go ahead. If I need to modify them, I'll worry about that later,” said Joseph with a nod.
