144 Chapter 141 Almost Voiding A Warranty (1/2)
After the last of the mages left, Joseph left the cleanup to the workers and headed out to check on all of the children who wished to learn magic. Pausing after a few steps, he changed direction and headed towards the nearest farmers. There were things he wanted to do with them first. Stella didn't comment, just changed direction right along with him.
”Stella, did you prepare a picnic basket?”
”It's already ready, already, Joseph,” she said with a smile.
Shaking his head, he decided he deserved that. He had picked on her one time with a tongue twister in Elder Irohan, and she still hadn't forgotten it.
”How do you do the voodoo that you do, Lady Stella?”
”Hey! You said you wouldn't call me bad words, like lady.”
”Ah, you're right, of course. Huntress Stella.”
”What is your wish, Joseph?”
”Your lovely picnic basket,” he said, and they both broke out laughing.
Everyone was looking at them rather peculiarly, as they had been switching between a dozen different languages to make it all rhyme, and none of them were from this realm. After nine years, trapped in the bubble together, their number of inside jokes had gotten ridiculous.
Turning to one of the ranch hands, when they finally reached the fields, he said, ”Ok, you are going to get some new animals. Run and fetch whoever is in charge, so they can be here for my explanation.”
The man nodded, leaning his pitchfork against the wall, and ran off, shouting for someone. Several minutes later, five men had arrived, all out of breath, and Joseph started again.
”I'm going to give you some new animals today. For the most part, they are similar to the animals you have been raising, but they will be more impressive. I need 30 sheep for wool over there, and 30 for meat and milk over there. I need 30 horses for farm work in that pen, and 30 for long distance over there. I need 30 meat cows over there, and 30 dairy cows over there…pigs…chickens…rabbits…”
The entire morning was spent separating out the animals he wanted. Everyone was exhausted by the time lunch rolled around. Stella pulled out her picnic basket, which freaked everyone out, then proceeded to hand out sandwiches on paper plates. The workers were amazed at the quality of the bread, a far cry from the hard loaves they were used to, and the thinness of the meat slices and cheeses. She only had to tell one of them that the paper plates were not to be eaten, but otherwise it was quite satisfying.
”Let's get started.”
After casting that a lot of times, one of the rancher's muttered, ”Master Joseph…how, what?”
Stella laughed. ”He has seen many different types of animals and decided to bring them here through magic. These are only the best of those he saw.”
”I am changing these, back into animals lost to this world, to help heal the world,” Joseph said, after looking over his handywork.
He hated lying to them, because it meant he would have to remember what he had told them, but the truth, that they came from previous lives, would have been too difficult to explain. The cows were actually ridiculously genetically engineered, from a colony planet. They ate practically anything and matured within a year. But trying to explain all of that would make them sound like magical creatures and he couldn't turn non-magical beasts into magical beasts. He could only change one kind of magical creature to another type.
”These creatures will return to their former kind after death, so try and keep them healthy. Their offspring will stay as these new types though. I hope to have a large supply of breeding stock out of all of these by this time next year.”
The next morning, he had all of the children aged 3-11 gather, regardless of possessing magery or not. He still couldn't decide if he wanted his entire kingdom to stop being human in order for everyone to have magery or not. He did know that he wanted every citizen to have knowledge of magic so there would be less fear. This was what he had invented a new rune for. He had managed to tame down a dozen spells to work with it as a beginning rune for diverse mages. As the children gathered, they looked at the amplification runes he had already drawn, curiously.
Thousands of children had gathered. Everyone would hear him as if he was standing right next to them. The kids' reactions were fantastic, and it really cheered him up as they oohed and ahhed over the way he was floating in the air. Several laughed as he made his mana visible and flew small bird shapes through the air. The adults were a little freaked out, but that was because his eyes were glowing blue and gold. As the last child was put in place, he had the birds dive bomb into the circuits under their feet, lighting up the entire area with the runes he was injecting with mana.