137 Chapter 134 A Month Of Hunting (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 33650K 2022-07-22

”I'm glad they're too chaotic to work together, then,” said Stella, gathering her gang and placing them in her purse again. It was easier on Joseph to teleport if it was just the two of them.

”This faction will soon flee to the four corners, to hide until they can find a new G.o.d to gain powers from. We will have to work fast, or finding them will get harder.”


Stella held out her hand, and Joseph teleported them back to the dragon's cave.

They couldn't have been gone for maybe ten minutes, maybe fifteen, and yet the entire cave already appeared different.

The dragon was sleeping in the same spot, snoring loudly, and yet all of the bodies and signs of desecration were gone. The various demonic memorabilia was missing, and there were no markings anywhere. Even the sprayed magma was gone.

As the dragon snorted in its sleep and rolled over, Joseph shook himself and focused on the next location of corrupted mana. They were all already fading as the followers and wors.h.i.+ppers realized something catastrophic must have happened.

Stella was ready to jump into action as they teleported this time. Joseph dropped them directly in the middle of the group of demon wors.h.i.+ppers.

They were deep in the middle of praying and sacrificing people when they showed up. Magma b.a.l.l.s quickly found the faces of those in charge, as Stella and her six golems, which she threw at some of the groups, went to work.

Joseph swung his staff at a group of three who were too close for comfort, sending them flying.

”Ooops, sorry, I forgot my strength is higher!”

”Don't apologize for throwing them across the room!” said Stella, shaking her head as she dodged a blow from one of the armed followers, cutting his stomach open and stabbing him in the neck as he went to grab his spilling guts.

”I was apologizing to you, but you moved before they landed,” he said, hitting another one in the face, then kicking a woman in the knee as she ran past. The pop could be heard over the screams and shouts.

”I saw them coming. I don't stay still for long,” she said, stepping back as a man swung his sword, leaving his entire side exposed to her daggers as she stabbed him in multiple places faster than he could blink in surprise.


The two men who were about to attack him, found their swords turning in their hands and plunging into them instead. Joseph stepped to the side as a body went flying past him from one of the golems. He wasn't sure which one it was, as all six looked similar to him.

When they finished, he teleported them to the next location, not returning to the dragon's cave. It had occurred to him, when he was there the last time, that he had perfect memory, he should be able to just go from one place to the next without returning to bother the dragon each time.

They arrived, just as the leaders were teleporting away. The wors.h.i.+ppers were all laying, dead, on the ground, fuel to power the teleport.

Joseph didn't even need a full minute to feel out the location of their teleport and follow them.

They were very surprised, when they showed up, as they had a.s.sumed, they had just managed to escape. Stella made it abundantly clear, that they were wrong.

The next two places he teleported them to, the followers were either dead or gone, having scattered. It didn't take long to hunt them down and take care of them.

By the end of a month, Joseph couldn't find any new traces of corrupted mana to follow.

”It's time,” said Stella, cleaning her fingernails before smoothing down her wild hair.

”I know,” said Joseph, brus.h.i.+ng imaginary dirt and dust from his sleeves.

”We'll live, you know.”

”Speak for yourself. I've dreaded this moment all month.”

”It won't be that bad,” she said, giving him a look.

”You don't want to be in trouble with my mom any more than I do,” he said, giving her a look back.

She sighed, then nodded.

