125 Chapter 123 Prepping For A Mage Army (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 29790K 2022-07-22

The next morning, Stephan, Derek and Tekaun came to visit right after dawn. They brought a fair number of apprentices with them.

”Master Joseph, we have brought our best students, as you asked,” said Stephan. He carried his mage staff with pride, and Joseph didn't miss the jealous looks from the students.

He stared at each person as they were brought forth, and judged them based on the magic he could see in them. Some were kingdom mages, others were slaves, and Tekaun had brought a young boy with her. He didn't have a spirit, and Joseph knew that it was incredibly rare for barbarian men to become mages.

”I am ready to recognize the leader of each school of magic, so you can teach the others who wish to know your specialty.”

The looks of surprise, delight and excitement that crossed all of their faces, meant that no one had told them why they had been brought here. Each of them was at the second level of magery, and they were strongly focused on a single rune to the point it showed in their aura. Apparently, this was something the a.n.a.lyze, from Intermediate Mage t.i.tle, gave.

Pointing at Tekaun's apprentice, Joseph said, ”He is a necromancer.”

Stephan and Derek jumped. The others looked startled as well. It made sense. Most of the shamanic magic dealt with NECROMANCY by contacting spirits and souls. The only necromancy spell Joseph knew currently was BANISHMENT, so if he came across a demon he couldn't kill, he could force it out of the realm.

”Magic isn't evil. I could have a healer keep someone from dying so that I could keep torturing them, and I could burn down an orphanage with the children inside. Similarly, I could use force on a ghost to manifest it so that I could kill it, or use BURNING DEATH to cause someone infested with parasites to be cremated before the parasites could escape. There will always be those who will judge your actions no matter what magic you use.”

He looked over them, as they all mulled over his words, and smiled as they all settled down to wait for his next words. But before he could say anything, more people started to arrive. Selena and Stu arrived, carrying small hand pies, for everyone to eat, then they joined the crowd as the apprentices looked back at Joseph in confusion. Joseph had to admit, even the very young were incredibly dedicated. Every one of them had put in grueling hours of practice.

”I'm going to list off your name, with the specialty you will be teaching to others. Several, I have already awarded their teacher's mage staff, but I have others for the rest of you. These staves will signify that you are a teacher for me. As I will be gone, periodically, with important tasks, you will be expected to step up and fill the hole that I leave during my absence.”

(Author note: I have placed next to their name where they came from, as a basis for later referral.)

Tekaun, Shaman -SPIRIT MAGIC

Selena, Slave-FIRE

Stu, Slave-FOOD

Alex, Slave-AIR

Derek, Kingdom-EARTH

Anya, Kingdom-PLANT

Zack, Slave-WATER

Mira, Slave-WEATHER

Stephan, Slave-HEALING

Gregor, Kingdom-MIND CONTROL


Ollie, Kingdom-KNOWLEDGE


Julianne, Slave-BODY CONTROL