88 Chapter 88 Beginner Mage (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 25900K 2022-07-22

(CONDITIONS: 5 RUNES AT BASIC COMPREHENSION <food, fire,=”” air,=”” earth,=”” plant=””>)


Before Joseph could react to his new t.i.tle, Stella burst into the room, grinning ear to ear.

”Master Joseph! Guess what I've just learned to do!” she blurted out. Her face was flushed with excitement.

”What?” he asked with a grin. Her excitement was contagious.

”The guards were shooting crossbows at me while blindfolded and I was catching them!”

Joseph's mouth dropped open.

”Stella…Stella, why were the guards shooting crossbows at you while you were blindfolded?”

”Because I told them to, silly, and I caught them bare handed!” She held up two crossbow bolts. ”Want to come see?”

”Alright,” he managed to squeak out, standing up from his chair. This was a spell he did not want to learn, a.s.suming there was one…

Outside, Sam and Todd were holding crossbows, looking rather green and panicked.

”Master Joseph wants to see!” she crowed, tossing the bolts to them.

Glancing at him, they hesitated only a second, before picking up the bolts and reloading their crossbows. Joseph watched her tie her blindfold on, then take a stance. Sam and Todd looked like they were going to be sick, as they held their weapons up to shoot at her again. Wincing, they pulled their triggers at the same time, sending bolts flying towards her too fast to follow with the naked eye.

Before the sound of the tw.a.n.g could even be registered, Stella was holding up her hands with the bolts grasped firmly in them. As she did a happy dance, Joseph couldn't help shaking his head before running out to join her. She danced in the open so rarely, there was no way he was going to miss out on this!

