86 Chapter 86 Grand Meeting (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 36200K 2022-07-22

Reaching out, he grabbed it and sent a violent pulse of mana into it, then promptly ate it with predation. A man in the back started screaming and holding his right eye. Apparently, the feedback caused him to lose the actual eye. That was good to know. He wasn't wearing his fancy robes, but Joseph recognized him as one of Dominic's top mages. Joseph was momentarily saddened that it wasn't Dominic himself.

”DO YOU HAVE SHAVIST FOR BRAINS?” he roared, jumping on the table. ”I was trying to ignore your disgusting little display, and pretend that you were just trying to see or hear better, but you stick that disgusting little floating eyeball in my face?!”

The man in the back continued screaming in pain. Joseph glared at the ears that were still floating around.

”You will drop that spell right now, or I will hunt you down.” His voice was deep, but carried easily across the room. The n.o.bles in the front row could be seen rubbing their arms in shock at the coldness of his voice.

Most of the ears immediately disappeared, but two remained.

”Stella, break their hands.”

”Yes, Master Joseph.” She disappeared from his side, causing many in the crowd to jump in fear, then another scream rang out from the back. The last ear disappeared as another man fled toward the door. Stella got there first, and when he went to cast a spell, she attacked. His form went flying, landing hard. Stella flipped in the air and landed with both heels directly on his hands. The crack could be heard all over the room. He fainted.

As Stella walked back towards him, everyone moved out of her way.

”As most of the northerners are under a magical contract,” said Joseph, returning to his seat as if nothing had happened, ”there shouldn't be any concerns about their trustworthiness.”

The silence was deafening as people were obviously trying to remember that someone had actually asked a question.

”That was your question. Now, the northerners are not stupid, they just have a different culture than you are used to. I've asked them to be patient with you and not to take offense when I'm sure you don't obviously mean everything you say, but I would ask that you extend the same courtesy with them. Remember, your terms of service are only for a year, and after that, if you don't like it here, you are welcome to leave.”


Joseph turned towards the voice. ”Yes?”

”That, uh, that ice thing, it's not contagious, is it? I mean, it won't keep coming for us, will it?”

”No, I took care of it. That's why it took me a month to get back.”

”You did?” someone else piped up, obviously in surprise.

”Yes. Those were your questions.”

”Wait, I mean…” his voice trailed off as Joseph stared at him. He ended up putting his hand over his mouth.

”I will be meeting with supervisors, as well as my top advisors, from now on to make sure everything continues to go smoothly. If no one has any more questions, then everyone is dismissed. If you thin of more questions in the future, please ask your supervisor. If they can't answer immediately, then they can ask me during one of the meetings.”

There were people trying to think up questions, while others were too in shock from the events that had happened, staring at Stella, and still others were trying to leave. The mages that had been hurt, had either left on their own, or had been carted out.

The doors suddenly burst open from mages streaming in, with Dominic leading the group.
