85 Chapter 85 Drama (1/2)
Trying to get 20,000 people to move in a day was exhausting. A few small groups, equaling about 200 people in all, did wander off into the north. Joseph considered his demonstration successful.
Many of them only managed to be ready to move because they had nothing. They had to abandon most of their belongings to flee the cold. Joseph had his slaves moving among the people giving advice on what to do and how to pack. Many merely fell back on their nomadic ways.
As soon as Chug signed the contract, they became his for a year, and he did not intend to treat any of them differently, aside for a few special cases. Chug, Tekaun, three grand shamans and two tribal chiefs that Chug respected despite his defeat over them, all joined his breakfast table the next morning.
It took all morning to get people up and moving, and they officially headed back right after a late lunch. The injured and amputated were put on the few wagons or animals they still had. As much as Joseph wanted to rush back to deal with whatever issues awaited him, he decided against it. The last thing he needed was some petty n.o.ble interfering with his people as they traveled from the valley, and starting trouble while he was distracted.
Stella was very popular among the women, as it was very hard for barbarian women to overcome the strength difference and become elite hunters.
Joseph sent several messengers ahead to make sure they knew they were coming, and so they would understand the pace they were traveling at. He also sent orders to specific slaves, to ride out to get word to his father about the agreement with the northern people. They should have plenty of time to reach him before he was summoned before the king again. The only thing that bothered Joseph, was the possibility of the border being closed.
Three days out from the towns Joseph had being built, Daniel and Walter both arrived on horses that had been driven hard to get there.
”Thank the heavens you're all right,” said Daniel.
”I'm so very sorry that things have gotten so bad during your absence,” said Walter.
Joseph sighed.
”Come and ride beside me. Your horses look to be needing a breather. Tell me what has happened.”
They pulled their horses up next to Joseph's horse, that he had been given by one of the barbarians as a gift, and proceeded to tell him everything that had happened.
Five days after he had left, Ivan, the former leader of the military camp, declared that since Joseph had left, he was once more in charge. Obviously, Joseph's people disagreed, but he had bought out a number of locals in the crowd and almost started a riot.
Daniel felt that most of the people had preferred Joseph, but not strongly enough to fight over it. Because none stepped up to fight, Dominic jumped in with the fact that he was the highest n.o.ble, sent by the king, and thus he should be in charge.