81 Chapter 81 Stella Pov 2 (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 23040K 2022-07-22

About midnight, that night, there was a distant thunder, that rang out over the land. She knew that noise. It was an avalanche. Maybe if she grabbed him up on her back, she could try running with her soft walk? She didn't think that would work. Suddenly a tall hot wall of fire sprung up in front of them.

The snow was vaporized when it hit the fire, but the steam exploded back, blowing them quite a way. Their clothes were soaked and trying to freeze. Checking to make sure Joseph was alright, she was relieved when he created a ring of fire around them.

Stripping her wet clothes off, she laid them next to Joseph's wet clothes, and threw on some dry ones from her purse. Knowing that he would be hungry soon, she spied a dead owl-bear. The pack they had all of their supplies in had been blown away in the explosion. Taking careful aim, she leaped over the flames, salvaged some of the meat from the owl-bear, then returned to the inside of the fire. Master Joseph was still standing next to the fire, warming himself, so she started cooking the meat.

The sizzle must have caught his attention, because he asked if she was cooking something.

”We lost the pack in the avalanche,” she said meekly, worried he would be mad at her.

”Stella, how did your clothes?” he was obviously confused, so she explained that they were in her purse. Surely, he knew about her purse? Did he not have a pouch of some kind? It didn't cost too much…

”Stella, do you have any clothes I can wear?”

”Of course, Master Joseph. Why didn't you ask?” She pulled out the spare outfit she had for him, wondering if he really didn't know about her purse. She had a.s.sumed he would notice that the wolf hides were gone and ask about them if he hadn't.

He dressed in silence, and didn't bring it up again. She was glad. She didn't want him mad at her.

The next day was cold. It hurt their faces as they walked. She didn't even have to use soft walk to walk across the top of the snow. They had just finished recharging the fire stones, when she spied the incoming fog. It reminded her of an erupting volcano, with the smoke rolling across the land, engulfing everything in its path.

Joseph slipped his hand into hers. ”I'm really nervous,” he whispered.

She nodded. They were only kids and some huge evil monster that the grownups couldn't fight, and actually ran from in fear, was approaching them. It towered high into the sky, blocking out the sun as it finally reached them, engulfing them completely.

Thankfully the fire stones in their pockets started to warm up even more, as if the magic he had placed into them, were repelling the magic in the fog. She didn't mind one bit. In fact, when they got back, she fully planned to hunt down the shaman who had traded them to him, and give him or her a hug.
