79 Chapter 79 Flame Blade (2/2)
”Kame no … never mind.” A stream of fire flew out of his hand without stopping. As he increased the mana going into it, the flame got longer and longer, until it was almost 20 feet out. Then he swung it.
”This is awesome!” he shouted. He had to try this with his other hand, too! ”Woohoo!”
Joseph started making light sword sound effects from the movie with Luke Starkiller fighting his aunt. It hadn't been a very popular movie, but he had loved it in one of his lives.
Stella was looking at him like he had lost his mind.
”Um, do you want one too? Let me think for a moment…if I can make the rune maintain, and I probably need to make the flames more solid, maybe a handle, then…” It took him three minutes.
Inscribing the rune FLAME JET on his palm, he figured out how to do it. He was holding a handle of congealed fire, almost like a flame gel, in his hand without burning himself. Then he made the blade go about three feet, or one meter, and it worked.
The blade was so bright, it was hard to look at, but after a few test swings, he had a flame sword. Touching it to the ground caused a thin line to be burnt through it. It was ready, so he canceled the spell.
”Stella, come here.”
For some reason, she wasn't very close, so he had to repeat himself, and speak louder for her to hear and respond.
”Give me your hand.”
”Here, Master Joseph,” she responded meekly. She held her hand out, palm down, so he took it.
”My enchanting lady,” he said, kissing it.
She s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand back blus.h.i.+ng.
”Ok, now palm up,” he said, grinning.
She took a breath, then held her hand out, this time palm up. He very carefully inscribed the new rune on her palm. As soon as he was done, he stepped back and activated it. Stella was now holding a long dagger made of bright blue flames.
”What do you think?” he asked, excitedly. ”Is it a good length? I can make it longer or shorter. You can't throw it, but otherwise it should work. Oh, and you have to make the sound effects when you use it.”
She looked at him, unsure if he was being serious, but he hid his grin.
”Whoosh,” she said, and he broke out laughing. He had finally found something she wasn't good at.
Joseph grinned in delight. He shouldn't have gotten credit for a new spell, because it really should have required the ILLUSION/CREATION rune in order to be solid. The mana cost outside of this area would be ridiculous, but totally worth it!