78 Chapter 78 Evil Cthul-Skre (1/2)
Stella rushed over. Joseph was a little light headed. So much mana was rus.h.i.+ng through him at the moment. The area was full of mana, but he wasn't able to absorb it until now, or at least certainly not at this level. He vaguely wondered if this would be the mana toxicity thing that was prevented from harming him by mana control. He suddenly loved that skill.
”Master Joseph, are you ok?”
Joseph could only giggle. He knew she was upset, but all he could see was her twitching her little bunny nose.
”Never better, though, I think I may be drunk.”
”You're weird,” she said with a sigh.
That only made him laugh even harder.
”I think I may need a break.”
Stella muttered under her breath, but he couldn't catch what she said. She was cute when she did it though.
”You're cute, even when you're mad. Did you know that?”
”It would be best if you stopped talking now.”
”Oh, ok. Should I do interpretive dance instead?”
”NO! SIT!”
Joseph sat.
”Wow, so much mana is pouring through me, all my magical abilities are working at top form. Wow. Your aura is awesome.”
For some reason Stella sighed. He went to make funny little shapes with mana. His normal magic was a mix of blue and gold, but using the dead mana, it was a mix of green and red.
”Hey Stella, watch this.”
He cast CREATE FIRE as a line as far as he could into the distance. Joseph felt something moving the mana around in the fog. The fog instantly dispersed, revealing a translucent milky figure. Winter wights.
Stella screamed and jumped up.
”Huh, I wonder if it burns?” Joseph squinted to try and get a better look before the fog closed in around it again. It probably shouldn't burn, but he had enough mana running through him, it was worth a try.
The ghost caught fire and burned up, still floating in the air without a sound.
”Hey! It worked! That was neat.”
Stella was giving him a look, so he made a funny face back at her and laughed.
”Sorry, did you want to kill it? I'll let you take the others.”
”No, that's okay. You can do it,” she quickly answered.
”Are you sure?”
Was her voice getting squeaky? He giggled again, because it was funny. Trying to stand was a bad idea, so he decided to stay sitting. It was probably a much more n.o.ble posture anyway.
Turning his head to feel where the mana in the fog was disturbed, he got a fantastic idea.
”Stella, should I try detonate instead? I could just 'splode 'em all at once, or do you like the candles instead?” For some reason, candles seemed like a really funny word.
”I like the candles instead. The candles are pretty,” she answered quickly.
”Ooh. Now I'm motivated. Let's make them different colors then. Shoot. I made almost a dozen candles but they were all green. I'm sorry Stella. I kept trying to get different colors but they only seem to burn green.”
”That's ok I like green. Green is a good color.”
”Ok then, as long as you're happy.” He made a ring of fire around them, because he was getting cold sitting on the ground. ”Stella, I think I need a little nap. Is that ok?”
She didn't get a chance to respond before he fell over asleep. When he woke up, the CREATE FIRE was still going. Fortunately, he didn't feel drunk anymore.
'System, can I maintain spells in my sleep now?'