74 Chapter 74 Stellas Dream (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 28770K 2022-07-22

”If your orders were for the good of the people, I would not have to go against them!” she stormed, unable to keep her thoughts to herself any longer.

”You will be banished to the Island of Memories. Never again will you see these lands.” They spoke as if she hadn't said a word.

There was murmuring from the people who had come to witness her trial. She really was loved by the people, and it was obvious they did not agree with this ruling. The Island was reserved for their most serious of offenders. She was the best hunter they had. Who would protect them if anyone chose to attack them?

She sneered at the elders, unconvinced of the truth of their words. How could the people allow them to do such a thing?

”Why do this? I am the tribe's best hunter!”

”Your refusal to do as ordered, makes you a threat to the people of this tribe.”

”For going against the will of this council, and for putting your own desires before the safety of the people you swore to protect, you are cursed from this day forward.”

No! This couldn't be happening! The realization of what they were doing, finally registered. Chains appeared out of no where as they all started chanting. People in the crowd started shouting in anger, but all she could hear was the chanting. The chains wrapped around her, immobilizing her struggles.

”You shall suffer until your last days on the island. Your life force will dwindle with each new location the island moves to. You will never again be able to draw on the life force of others, until this life is over. Any time you try to harm another, you shall bear their pain, for the remainder of this life. You will fall in love with the one who you have hurt the most.”

With the completion of the curse, everything went black. She opened her eyes, expecting to see the vines and trees, of the island she had been banished to, but Stella saw only white. Snow had started to fall gently as she slept.

Sitting up, she spied Joseph poking at the small fire. He seemed lost in thought. He was the human she had killed when she was Sylva. He was the one she had hurt the most. She refused him time and again to the island, when his life was so bad. She had been his only brightness in a life that sucked, and she had refused that brightness to him.

Thinking about all of the horrible things that had happened to her in this life, and how he had saved her from that, made her hurt for him and all the pain she had caused him. It was up to her to make his life brighter, when she had refused that to him so many times. Determination flared to life in her eyes as she know knew what she had to do.
