68 Chapter 68 Mage Tes (1/2)
”How do you…” the shamans were at a loss for words.
”This is what my instructor looked like when she took on the body of fire.”
She bowed and faded away as he stopped controlling CREATE FIRE. Glimpsing her bow, he half turned to look at where she had been standing, perplexed for only a moment, then shrugged. If Selena had actually been there, he would probably hear about it later, when he met with her later.
The crowd and lesser shamans were muttering to themselves.
”At such a young age!”
”Have you seen such a thing?”
”Surely he has been blessed with a spirit!”
”You certainly have the ability. Now for the next part. A leader must be able to provide for his people. Using magic, demonstrate your ability to provide for your people.”
Nodding, Joseph looked around. There was a river nearby, so he went over to it, and looked inside. The water was clear enough, he could see fish inside.
Turning to Stella, he said, ”Is this too close?”
The look she gave him, had him backing up. Then after thinking about it, he backed up again, and she broke out laughing. He focused and mana poured out of him, glowing faintly in the air as it began to form the rune DETONATE. Just as he finished, Stella threw a bag of charcoal dust into the center. Then they both covered their ears.
Seeing them cover their ears, a few of the onlookers did as well, in confusion. All of Joseph's people did.
Barbarians jumped and several screamed in surprise. The surface of the water sunk from the force of the blast, the gra.s.s along the bank was laid flat. Some of the barbarians were even knocked down. Joseph had braced himself against it, but Stella's skirt barely fluttered.
As the water splashed and fish began to float, Joseph's people waded out to collect them. Stella was collecting them the fastest, but she grumbled about it the entire time.
”Fish, why does it have to be fish. Of course, it's fish.” She still had little appreciation for fish after all her time on the island. Joseph couldn't help but be amused.
”You have captured food, but unless you intend your people to eat it raw, this is not enough.”
Nodding at that, he noticed a large cooking pot by one of the tents and points to it. After checking it out, he decided it was clean enough, and had it filled with water. Then, as the people watched, he started throwing the fish in whole, added some seasonings from his personal stock, and some vegetables he had brought up with them.
Creating a bright blue flame on the end of his finger, he dropped the flame into the water, heating it to a boil very quickly. The barbarians were staring at the pot in horror, and Stella rolled her eyes as he grinned. Picking up a large spoon, he gave it one stir, and cast PURIFY FOOD. The murky water cleared instantly, emitting a delicious aroma.
Taking a sip, he smiled gleefully. It was just a tad spicy, after a dish he had enjoyed in one of his prior lives. There wasn't a hint of fish taste to it. Holding a spoonful out to Stella, she didn't hesitate to taste it.
”That's delicious!” she exclaimed in surprise. ”But you cheated with magic.”
”I'm a mage. I'm allowed to use magic cooking. Besides, if I don't use magic, your cooking would always be better than mine.”
Smiling, she just shook her head.
Joseph offered a bite to the shamans, but they were reluctant after seeing the whole fish go into the pot. With a sigh, Chug stepped forward, as if he was expecting poison and was willing to man up. Taking a spoonful, he paused.