64 Chapter 64 Derek (1/2)
”The mages are all stuck up,” complained Joseph to Daniel the next day. Everyone was still recovering from their near-death experience with hunger, but there was a definite improvement to the morale.
”Can you blame them? They're basically treated like G.o.ds, just because they can do a little magic.” Daniel picked up another grape and savored it slowly. The fruit would be the first to go bad, so they were the first to be eaten. Joseph had the cooks drying as much as they could, so they would have some for later, but he knew the extra sugars and fiber would cause havoc with the digestive systems of everyone in the camps.
”They're discussing this freezing fog as if they don't fully trust the barbarians. I seriously doubt they could come up with a lie that good.” Joseph took another small bite of his apple, ”And there aren't any girl mages? What do they do with them? Breed them like livestock?”
”Those in power due tend to swing rather far on the chauvinistic side.”
”At least we have enough food now, we can trade with the barbarians.”
”True, with the arrival of the food, a lot of problems have been solved and everything seems to be back on track,” said Daniel with a nod.
”Except the hot springs, did you hear about that?” asked Joseph, turning to the map he had hung on the wall.
”No, what about them?”
”It seems that the water is far too sulfuric.”
”What does that mean?”
”It means it smells like rotten eggs.”
”Oh, nasty! Is there any fix for it?”
Joseph paused and turned to look at the man sitting across the table from him. This man was well into his later years, with thin grey hair barely managing to cover the top of his head, and here he was asking a seven-year-old boy why the water smelled nasty.
”Actually, it's caused by gas rising to the surface too quickly after bacteria produced it. If I can get fresh air to the bottom of the spring, or if we create pools to allow the smell to dissipate, then I can get the bathhouses built. But none of the fixes are quick and easy. We'll have to put them off for now.”
”That's a shame. I was looking forward to a nice hot bath.”
”The quarry looks to be coming along, but unless the king wants to send another 600 men, or so, its not going to be producing stone until next year. We need too much stone to wait that long.”
”I thought you had men to work in the quarry?” asked Daniel, finally pus.h.i.+ng the plate of grapes away.
”I do, but most of them are either still training, or very old and in the process of training. Between the buildings having stone foundations and the roads I want to build, I need a lot of rock. Stella, did any of the mages that arrived have magic in earth spells?”
”Yes, Master Joseph, one did.”
”I'll speak with him, then about what all he can do.”
”Well, good luck. I'm heading out to check up on things.”
”Ate too many grapes, didn't you,” chuckled Joseph.
Daniel waved as he laughed and all but ran from the tent. The fruit was already making its presence known.
Stella went with Joseph as he visited the mages. They all noticed him, but they tried to ignore him. The man who was in charge of the mages, Dominic, came to him immediately.
”What would cause you to grace our presence?” he sniffed. His long robes were immaculate, and Joseph could only wonder how long it took him to clean them after the trip up.
”I'm looking for the mage who has earth spells. I believe his name is Derek?”
”And for what purpose would you like to speak to him about?” Dominic looked Joseph up and down, frowning at what he saw.
Joseph knew that his clothes were not clean. They didn't seem as important as some of the other things he had needed to deal with. It was probably a mistake coming here in person, it gave them the appearance of having more power than him. He made a mental note to not make that mistake again.
”I don't believe that concerns you,” said Joseph, straightening his posture and smoothing his clothes out. If he was going to have to play politics, he knew he was already behind.
”Ah, but see, the king made me chief over the mages. Everything they do concerns me.”
Dominic smiled a greasy nasty smile.