58 Chapter 58 So Many Lives... (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 32510K 2022-07-22

Joseph stood on the step of his carriage and looked around at the surrounding landscape. The scout's reports were very accurate. There was a lot of dirt and wild gra.s.s. They were going to set up near the big river that ran through the plains. Much of the timber came from his father's town, that had been partly demolished in order to move. About a day west of here, the mountains start. He was hoping for a quarry there. The trees on the slope could be used for emergencies, but he didn't want to clear cut them. No need to cause mud slides, avalanches and dirty streams.

Now that they were there, the plans for the town took half a day to finalize. He had so many factors to take into account. A few locals arrived around lunch time, under orders of the king's men. It was from them that he learned about the wild grains that they ate when desperate. It had a very bitter taste. He also learned about a lot of local vegetables that were hardy to the cold but would rot if taken further south because of the spring rains.

”Stella,” he said, turning to her after hearing from the locals.

”Yes, Master?” she asked.

”Get samples of everything the locals mention, that is edible. I think I recognize some of them. I want to practice cooking them.”

”Including the crown, you've already cooked?”

”Yes, I may be able to combine it with some of the other things.”

”Yes, Master Joseph.”

The men from the king gave him odd looks, but many of his own people looked happy to hear that he may have a solution to the food issue. It may be temporary, but it was something. The king's men still refused to admit the supplies were going to be late.

Once he got into the kitchen, Joseph couldn't help but grin. Aside from some color differences, he knew how to prepare all of the foods from the locals.

”Stella, throw me that ap.r.o.n. I've got this!”

His knife technique was very special, because the life that he cooked so much, was also the one where his spine was so messed up. Oddly, the sword training overcame some of it.

By the end of the day, he had managed to come up with several dishes that removed the bitter tastes and toxicity from the foods. He had to use TEST FOOD and PURIFY FOOD quite a bit, which caused Stephan to jump every time. No one else noticed the spells being cast. If he wasn't careful, people would start to call him twitchy.

PURIFY FOOD was such a cheat spell.

He had a plate of stir fry with fresh fish and couldn't wait to try it. He took a small bite, because it was so hot, and when it melted on his tongue, he couldn't help closing his eyes and almost purring in delight.

”Stella, you have got to try this!”

As she obediently opened her mouth, he had to keep himself from shoving it in her mouth because of how hot it was.

”It's very good, Master Joseph,” she said very neutrally after chewing thoughtfully.

”What...Wait, let me guess, you've had enough fish for a life time?”

”Something like that,” she responded calmly, despite his giggles and the confused looks from everyone in the room.

”Got it, hand this out for the others to try, and hand me that there,” he said, pointing to a few other things.

”So, it's fine as long as you can't tell its fish anymore, right?”

She nodded.

He worked hard, and made some fish paddies that were fried. Then pouring some sauce he had prepared earlier on it, handed her a plate. She obediently took it and tried a small bite. He watched as she chewed for a moment, then stopped and touched her lips in wonder.

”Master, this is amazing!”