43 Chapter 43 Secret Mission (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 27570K 2022-07-22

Jostled in the chaos, Joseph lost sight of Stella, but managed to make his way back to the door. She was already there, and they managed to close it without anyone the wiser. Making little happy dances, they made their way quickly, back to the stairs and started the laborious climb to the door on the second floor.

The hall outside was empty still, so they made their way back to Joseph's room very quickly. Once they arrived, the four guards had such a look of relief on their faces, they couldn't help but laugh.

”If you had been caught, Master Joseph, we would have been in a lot of trouble!” said Logan, one of the older guards. His blonde hair fell almost to his shoulders, and Joseph knew that a lot of the palace women had noticed him.

Dylan nodded, the other older guard. ”Your father would have punished us for sure!” His small black eyes took away from his blonde hair, so he hadn't been noticed as much as his brother, with his blue eyes.

”I would have handled it,” said Stella, setting her bundles down on the table. Joseph joined her, adding his bundles to hers.

”But, how?” asked Todd, coming forward, his face scrunched up in puzzlement.

”We dressed as servants,” said Joseph, as if that explained everything. He knew it may not have worked, but there were so many people in the castle every day, he had hoped it would.

”What did you grab?” asked Sam, joining Todd at the end of the table.

”We grabbed supper for all of us,” said Joseph with a grin, taking off a towel he had draped over the food. There were meats and cheeses, fruits, and breads.

”And,” Stella pulled another towel off her platter, ”All of the cookies slotted to go to Prince Reginald. I overheard some of the other servants talking about how a special platter was prepared for him each evening, so that he could enjoy his dessert in the peace of his rooms, without having to share them with everyone else.”

On the platter was an a.s.sortment of dozens of different cookies, each one different and painstakingly decorated. They all gathered around it in delight. Even Logan and Dylan were drooling at the copious amounts of sweets on the tray.

Without another word of being in trouble, they all decided wholeheartedly, that they could enjoy the treats first. Stella promised to make the tray disappear so they wouldn't get in trouble for having it, as the beautiful detail work was revealed with the disappearance of the cookies.

Joseph knew he might have a stomach ache later, but at the moment, he didn't mind at all.
