41 Chapter 41 Theres Going To Be A Ball??? (2/2)
”Thank you, I will inform my master.”She shut the door and turned to him, noting with a hint of surprise that he was watching her.
”Master Joseph, the king's messenger came to inform you that there will be a ball at the end of the month, and if you are still here, you will be invited to attend.”
”A ball!That sounds like fun!”His eyes lit up and he smiled at the look on her face.She obviously didn't think so.
”I don't believe you have proper attire for such an event,” she said.
”Of course, I do!The clothes father had made will work just fine!The fact that they are different from what everyone else wears, just means that we'll be exotic!”He was really starting to get excited at the idea of dancing at a party.Joseph knew that it wasn't going to be like in his memories from the different worlds, after his etiquette cla.s.ses.
”You would be expected to take someone to dance with, or they would a.s.sign someone to you…”This was obviously the part she hated the most.
Was it that he would dance with someone else that bothered her so much, or the thought that she would have to go and dance with him?He knew she didn't like to be in the lime-light, but he refused to dance with anyone else.They would all probably be too tall for him anyway.
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