37 Chapter 37 Telling His Dad About The Dream (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 40000K 2022-07-22

”Joseph, are you ready to talk about it?”

”What do you mean, father?” he asked, looking away. He knew exactly what he meant.

”Son, I've had slaves with trauma before. That's one of the reasons I insist on babies now. It helps if you can talk about it.”

If anyone else had asked, Joseph would have refused flat out. He didn't want to remember almost dying. But he had been trying to move forward, and it was so hard.

Finally, he nodded. ”I want you to hold me, while I tell you though, and I want Stella to hold my hand.”

He glanced over at her, and she nodded her head.

His father finished his business for the day, and they headed over to his carriage. He informed all of the guards to make a perimeter.

Joseph started with a cold voice, emotionless. He wanted to distance himself from the feelings as much as possible.

”I was 6 when my parents died. I have a little sister, Emily. I remember promising my mom and dad that I would look after her and keep her safe, because I was the big brother. I couldn't even find her grave until I was 20 because a mistake in the paperwork.”

Little tears are trailing down his cheek as he finished the dream. His dad had a neutral expression, obviously stunned and a little unsure of how to take the pain away from his young son.

”She was too young,” Stella whispered, hauntedly.

Joseph glanced at her, suddenly angry. This was the first time he had ever been mad at her, but that was such a horrible comment! Then he noticed the lost and faraway look on her face, and paused. She was looking somewhere, or somewhen, else.

”Have you seen something like that before?” he asked softly.

She nodded, without a sound, and it broke his heart. He pulled her into a hug, and surprisingly, she didn't resist, so his dad ended up hugging the two of them for a moment.

”I had a teacher, Mr. Rumble, who saved me,” Joseph continued, now that he had started, he felt a need to finish.

”He taught me math and science. He never treated my differently, like everyone else did. Only told me that it was my body that was broken, not my mind. That gave me hope. I came to realize that numbers never lied. Since every adult I had encountered until him had lied to me, I needed something to cling to. Some truth that wouldn't change.

”I did everything I could to be near him, and I stayed on my best behavior so that the family that was taking care of me wouldn't send me away. I was able to stay with them for two years. When he died, he was 78 years old. He should have retired before then, but he had loved us kids. One of the kids in my cla.s.s made a comment that it was about time he died, and I beat him with my chair.

”I got moved to a new home, but was allowed to attend the funeral. I focused on math after that. A teacher was accused of stealing funds, but I was able to prove him not guilty by getting all the bills from the treasurer and finding where another teacher had gotten the money twice. They had just paid another teacher twice and blamed my teacher for it.

”The same week I heard about a drug lord having been arrested. They had gotten the warrant based on tax filings and then uncovered everything else during their search. I may not be strong or fast but I was smart. If I could do some accounting and get those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds like the guy who murdered my sister then I could stop them.

”The first friends I ever had were in college. We were a terrible group of misfits but we stuck together. I never got married but most of them did. One of my buddies was even more messed up than I was but it was because he pushed his girlfriend out of the way of a car. They had been friends and neighbors as kids. She hunted him down in college and they got together. She was beautiful and they had 7 kids.”

Joseph smiled at the memory. The kids had been adorable, and his friend had let him see them as often as he wanted. He had been very happy for his friend, even if he was jealous.

”I went on to become a criminal accountant. I testified in hundreds, maybe thousands, of cases. We put a lot of bad guys away. My a.s.sistant, Miranda, had a husband who was a cop. He died during a drug sting and we became close, but only as friends. I helped find the missing tax returns to get the entire gang indicted and the investigation turned up a host of other misdeeds.

”Twice I was shot. Several more times I was shot at. I had a gift for it. Miranda died of cancer at 48. Of her 3 children, only 1 showed up for the funeral, so per her request, I gave them the check for everything, instead of splitting it. My will had everything going to some charity's orphanages and foster programs that I had investigated as being clean. Miranda had left me a ticket for a cruise and a vacation. She wanted me to take some time off, out of the country. I had never taken her up on it, but figuring it was her last request, I figured I should.”

Joseph paused for a moment, looking down at Stella's hand in his. His voice continued as he started to recall further then the dreams had gone. He was willingly allowing himself to see further.

”The cruise was to an island. I couldn't find out much about it, but my G.o.d it was beautiful. The vines in the trees were all growing flowers without any kind of sense at all. There were golds, blues, pinks, reds, purples everywhere, and sometimes even from the same vine.

”The greatest thing about that place, was that my back didn't hurt as much. The bullet wound I had in my shoulder wasn't acting up either. At night, that place glowed under the moonlight. I refused to leave when the s.h.i.+p was ready to leave at the end of the week.