26 Chapter 26 Training So As Not To Be Suicidal. (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 30460K 2022-07-22

”I think it is the gate back to your home kingdom,” she said, returning to her seat.

Thinking about it, he had to agree. The timing did line up. It was hard to believe they had been in the eastern kingdom for eight weeks already.

A servant arrived shortly after that, knocking on the door. Stopping the stream of magic, he went to the door.

”Forgive me for disturbing you, young master, but Master William wished for you to know that the delays at the gate may take some time. The eldest prince was attacked and they have just closed all of the gates.”

”How did they receive the news?” he asked curiously. The capital was two days ride on a fast horse.

”A hawk, young master.”

”Ah, then it shouldn't be a problem. Whoever attempted to a.s.sa.s.sinate the prince couldn't possibly get this far, so quickly. I'm sure Father will talk some sense into them.” He waved at the slave, who bowed and left to relay his words to his father.

He had just gotten back into his rhythm, when there was another knock at the door. This time it wasn't just a slave, but several guards were there as well.

”I'm sorry to disturb you again, young master, but the guards of the gate are requiring a search of every wagon to ensure that the guilty party isn't trying to sneak across the border with us.” The look on the slave's face, made it obvious this was the best his father had been able to do.

With a sigh, he nodded at Stella to accompany him out of the carriage. The guards paused only briefly when they stepped inside, raising a few eyebrows at the placement of the furniture. Joseph was sure they were intentionally taking a long time to search, but in the end, they found nothing. He could see that all of the carriages, wagons and carts were being searched in his father's entire caravan.

Since he couldn't practice his magic in front of everyone who was watching curiously, he would have to work extra hard the next day to make up for this lost time. He was more annoyed with that, than the overall delay. After all, the guards were honestly doing their jobs.

When they finally got to the other side of the gates, he was very relieved. He knew that could have been a lot worse.

When he finally got around to practicing his gaze magic, a few days later, it was just as he thought, his eyes burned. Too bad this world didn't have those numbing drops from his past life.

Stella told him he looked ridiculous most of the time, as he was making funny faces as he practiced. He didn't mind having a cute girl laugh at him, but he didn't tell her that. Even though she was over the trauma, he kept finding himself being overly cautious in case she did react. Would this continue? He certainly hoped not. Too bad he couldn't move on and forget…sigh.
