22 Chapter 22 - In Which The Drama Ends (1/2)
”Stella,” Joseph said, watching as she twitched in response.
”Yes, Master?” she asked timidly.
Joseph sighed. He was done. It's been fourteen days since he walked in on her naked and she still acted like he was going to **** her at any moment.
”Will apologizing work? I can't say I will forget about it.” He looked her in the eyes to make sure she could see he was sincere.
”Ummm, Master?” she asked going pale. She obviously knew what he was talking about.
”Stella, my goal is magic. Not just to be a mage, but to be a household name. To be THE MAGE. I want parents to name their children Joseph, in the hopes it will make them better at magic. I want to be the strongest mage since dragons disappeared, possibly stronger. I am not above the possibility of ceasing to be human in order to accomplish my goal.”
She stared at him in confusion, the panic abating a bit.
”Okay?” she finally managed, when it became obvious, he was waiting for a response.
”Look, I saw everything. You don't have hair down there yet, you have a cute mole almost in the middle of your left b.u.t.t cheek, and there's scars on your back I haven't asked about because I figured you would tell me about them if you wanted me to know, or wanted them gone.”
She was starting to turn a bright red, was she holding her breath? It didn't matter. He was going to get it all out because he was tired of all this drama shavist.
”You have a birthmark that looks vaguely like a rabbit between your right nipple and your collar bone. My memory is perfect. I repeat, perfect. I can tell you everything I have eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner since before I turned three. I am eternally grateful my memories start after breast feeding, but that's besides the point.”
Her mouth had turned into a cute little o.
”I may live to be 50, 500 or 5000 years old, and I will never forget the sight of what you looked like at eight.”
He looked at her, as she fought for words. They were there, struggling to come out.
”Why would you say all of that?!” she finally exclaimed, so red that he was almost afraid she would pa.s.s out.
”Because I don't want to lie to you. You are too smart for that. Besides, I would like to think of you as my friend. My only friend. I grew up alone and was never allowed to play with other kids.They might have hurt me, or tainted me somehow.
”Stella, you may be the only friend I ever have. There is even a good chance that as I become more powerful, people will have issues talking to me and even fear me. I'm prepared for that. You are sure to notice my memory soon enough, if you haven't already. You'd come to suspect that I would remember that event.
”I don't know how to talk to anyone, Stella, much less girls. So, talking to you kept getting put off. I was hoping you would get over everything, but it's obvious to me now, that you aren't. You're still just as twitchy now, as you were the day it happened. Did you see the look I got from the teacher when you had that panic attack in etiquette cla.s.s yesterday? We are going to be starting dancing lessons tomorrow.”
He paused to see her squirm in her seat, uncomfortable.
”What do I need to do? I'm only seven. I've never had to deal with girls before, and don't you dare say anything about my mom, she doesn't count.”
His attempt at humor did nothing.
”Stella, there is a magic,” he hesitated as fear gripped him. Swallowing, he managed to continue.