14 Chapter 14 - Love Of Fire (1/2)
Joseph could barely manage to inhale his breakfast before heading out to meet with the fire mage he would learn his next rune from. He would have run out the door as soon as he woke, but Stella had his breakfast waiting. He was impressed with her, so took the time to eat it. As he all but skipped down the path in his excitement, he thought over the words his father had told him the night before.
Selena, p.r.o.nounced Sleen-a, had been blinded by another fire mage during an illegal dual. The slave who was in charge of showing him around the town, Hans, explained that she was loved by FIRE and FIRE loved her. So, she had no scars of the fight, except her eyes. They had no pupil, yet s.h.i.+ned with a dull red glow. He couldn't wait to see her.
Stella followed behind him, in case he might need anything. She knew not to comment, but Joseph was glad that she had been forewarned.
When the girl came into view, Joseph's breath caught in his throat. Her eyes were the single most magical thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
”Young master?” Her voice sounded like fire as it climbed slowly along a piece of wood, searching and touching to see if it was good to burn. Or maybe his imagination was running away with him.
”Miss Selena, it's an honor to meet with you.” He figured this was an excellent opportunity to use some of the etiquette he had been learning.
”Young master, you need not be so formal. While it is nice to have someone new to speak with, I do not think you are here merely to talk.” Her chuckle was as fire to kindling, rapid and bright.
”I would love to talk, but no, that is not the only reason I am here. I wish to learn the FIRE rune.” Joseph didn't want to mislead or lie to her. He could feel the magic inside of her, contained as a raging fire within a furnace.
”If it is clear, I shall show you the rune, then we can talk.” She turned to a slave that stood off to one side.
”It is safe before you, Selena.” The slave informed her.
Joseph realized that she couldn't cast her magic without fear of harming someone or something. No wonder her magic felt caged and contained.
She took a stance, that seemed natural to her, comfortable in a way that standing or sitting would never feel to anyone, and let out the magic. Her hands moved on their own, directed by the magic, not by her. Joseph was entranced. The rune glowed before him, made completely of fire, dancing in the air, before it slowly faded, almost sadly, away.
”That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered.
Laughing softly, as if flames were dancing among coals, she returned to her seat, feeling for it in her blindness.