3 Chapter 3 Baby Slaves (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 22470K 2022-07-22

”Is the amount suitable to you?” asked his father as they concluded their business.

”Of course. I look forward to seeing you in six months.”

They wasted no time in leaving the establishment, and made a hasty retreat out of that particular section of the castle.

Once they were back in a decent section of the market, his dad led him to a nice inn to enjoy a drink as it was still too early for supper.

”Will he really deliver each of those babies to your caravan?” asked Joseph as he looked down into his apple cider.

”He will. He enjoys the money he gets for each of them too much to short me even one child. Even if it dies before it arrives, I will get each one.” His voice sounded hollow and tired as he downed his second shot.

”Why do you deal with someone like that?” asked Joseph after a moment of inward struggle. He didn't want to lose the hero wors.h.i.+p he had for his dad, but it was severely strained after the incident they had just gone through.

”Before I offered to buy all those babies, he was just killing them. I prefer to raise my slaves from infants as it makes later learning easier, so it just seemed right to buy his. I don't care for the man at all, don't get me wrong,” he said, seeing the look in Joseph's eyes. ”If I didn't buy those babies, they would all be killed. And nothing will stop people from having a s.e.x trade like that. If those in power made them illegal, they would just move the operation into hiding. There's too many who are willing to pay for s.e.x for it to just go away.”

Joseph wasn't sure, he didn't have enough learning or experience to know if what he said was true or not.

As the bartender offered him another drink, his father sighed and asked for the same apple drink he was having.

”At least some good comes of this.”

”What's that?” asked Joseph, finding it hard to believe.

”Those women who have to hand over their babies know that they will be well taken cared of and not killed. In fact, because I am so well known at providing high cla.s.s slaves, their children will never be in the same position those women find themselves in.”

”So, that's why they were so happy to see you!” exclaimed Joseph. He was so relieved he wasn't sure what to say. He had been so worried about why they had been so excited to see his father, but hadn't wanted to ask.

His father glanced at him and chuckled. ”I've never touched a woman other than your mother, boy, and don't you forget it!”
