1 Chapter 1 – Birthday! (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 22870K 2022-07-22

When he opened his eyes, a giant smile lit up his face. It was his birthday!

Jumping out of bed, he grabbed his clothes for the day and jumped behind his changing screen. Normally he waited for his servant to come wake him, but he had laid out his clothes, himself last night, and was far too excited to stay in bed.

His dad only visited about every six months, and he was supposed to be here today, so he wasted no time in throwing on his clothes. Pausing in front of the mirror, Joseph Aurum examined himself, before he dashed out the door. His servant, Curt, had to jump back as he rushed past, to keep from cras.h.i.+ng into him.

Joseph heard a chuckle from him, but kept going. He couldn't wait to see his dad.

His whole life his mother had told him he could be anything he wanted. Just because his father was a slave merchant, did not mean he had to follow in his footsteps, but Joseph adored his dad and couldn't wait until he turned seven so he could finally choose a profession. He knew that most other kids would be heading off to whichever apprentices.h.i.+p had been arranged for them when they turned seven, and many dreaded the day, but because of how rich his father was, Joseph didn't have to worry about that.

”You said he would get to choose!” shouted his mother in fury.

Joseph paused just outside the doorway leading into the dining room. His mother had never raised her voice before. It was shocking.

”And he shall.” His father's voice was the same calm, deep tone it always was.

”You never said you would take him away!” There was fear mixed into the anger.

Joseph knew his mother hated his father's job. She was afraid he had other wives that she didn't know about. Their marriage had been arranged, but he was sure his father loved his mother, because he was always calm around her.

”The boy needs to learn to be a man. He can't do that when there is no man for him to be around. I will still let him choose what he wants to be, but he will do it by my side.” His tone was final.

Plastering a smile on his face, he stepped out into the dining room. His mother's eyes swung to him and he could tell she wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h him up and run.

”Father! You're home! Do I get to travel with you?” He tried to hide the excitement in his voice, because that had always been his dream, to placate his mother.

”You want to go with him?” she whispered in horror.

”Of course! How else am I going to see what jobs I could take?”