Part 6 (1/2)

Charley Laurel Williaston 37810K 2022-07-19

We pushed on soh, it was not thick except in places where there were large tufts of tall tussock-grass, like waving pluround itself was tolerably s like an island arass that surrounded it We cliht discover where the cattle were to be found in greatest numbers As yet, a few only had been seen, which scampered off before a shot at them could be obtained

Three or four herds were discovered in the distance The o in one direction and to stalk them dohile dick and the rest went in another Miss Kitty said she was tired, and that she would remain on the top of the rock with ed to leave with her a flask of water and soht, I suspect, on her account Not knohat sort of scenery she ht her sketch-book, for she was a well-educated girl, and understood ly observed that a few strokes would quickly picture the surrounding scenery She arass which grew near, and then made me stand and sit, now in one position, now in another, while she tookme to play about near her, and to take care not to tuhts were about I cannot say, but she certainly very often looked in the direction Edward Falconer had gone

Several shots were heard frorew fainter and fainter, as if the cattle had headed off away from the harbour

The day wore on The sun was already sinking in the sky

”I wonder when they will come back?” she said once or twice ”Can you see any one, Charley?”

I looked, but could not distinguish any objects a sound of a shi+p's gun came from the direction of the harbour, then another and another

”That is, I suspect, to recall the boats,” said Kitty to me ”I could find my way there with you, Charley; but I don't like to leave this spot, lest those who have gone after the cattle on returning ht wonder what has becoer--the sun set--the shades of evening drew on

Kitty becaet back to the boats; and it was evident that we should have to spend the night on the knoll As there was plenty of tall grass around, I proposed that we should build a hut for ourselves, but, as we had noit, we could not carry out aze around, expecting each moment that some one would appear, when suddenly she exclaimed--

”See, see, Charley! What is that?”

I looked in the direction she pointed, when I saw a dark line of s in wreaths as it ascended towards the sky It ht have been mistaken for mist, had there not appeared below it a thin red line with sharp little forks darting upwards

”The grass is on fire! Oh, ill beco, with dread and horror in her countenance, at the advancing line of flaer; but on looking round I observed the nu the rocks

One part of the mound was composed entirely of bare rock I pointed it out to h we should be alht there escape the fla down, she prayed for protection for me, and for herself, and for Edward--I heard her mention the mate's nahtened, because I did not see anything very terrible; only the red line of fire ju playfully, and the wreaths of sraceful as they curled round and round, till at length they formed a dark canopy which spread over the sky

”They may have been on the other side of the fire,” I heard Kitty say; ”but then he would have thought of h the flaotten you, Charley We must pray for them, my boy--we must pray for them”

On came the wave of flame; the whole island from one end to the other seeh cut off Though the , they could not have come to our assistance

Happily, Kitty's dress was of a thick material, and so was mine, for the weather had been for some time cold, and dick had made me a winter suit

Kitty saw clearly that the flames would surround the rock, and creep up its sides; and the open space on which we had taken refuge was fearfully s of the flames, they were already so near, when a shout reached our ears

”They are co!” cried Kitty; ”but oh, I fear the fire will overtake theain the rock I see theasped for breath Then she rose to her feet, and waved her white handkerchief, hoping that it loom, for she in vain tried to cry out in answer to the shout we had heard The glare of the approaching fire fell on her figure At that moment a man dashed up the rock--it was Edward Falconer He could only utter, ”You are safe, dearest!” and sank on the ground Kitty stooped down and tried to raise hi some water from the flask into his mouth He speedily revived Three other men followed hiaveand put me down on the rock, and then he and the rest dashed back towards the flauns to beat and trarass The mate joined them, but the flames quickly reached the spot, and in a few minutes ere surrounded by a sea of fire dick sheltered me in his arms, and Edward Falconer supported Kitty in the very centre of the rock, turning their backs to the scorching flames from which they attempted to shi+eld us The sreat difficulty in breathing I could not help crying out from the pain of suffocation, which made dick almost distracted He first lifted et er, he threw a handkerchief over my face, and heldwe stood thus I do not know; it seeth the fire had burned up all the grass around us, and the srew less Still it was iht be so for many hours to come

The whole party sat down on the rock, Miss Kitty inviting me to come to her, while Edward Falconer sat by her side

”As you like, Miss,” said dick; ”but I would not give hiot off safe, as they were not far from the shore,”

observed one of the men ”But I say, dick, I wonder what has become of the beasts you and Mr Falconer killed?”