Part 3 (1/2)
”Much obliged to you, friend,” said dick; ”he is a fine little chap, isn't he?”
The black grinned and seemed to understand him, and patted the child on the head
”Well, Charley, my boy, have they treated you well?” asked dick, as he took up the child and kissed hientles to eat, and so stuff to drink, which made him sleep most of the time
dick carried Charley to the only shady spot he could find unoccupied, and sat doith him on his knees Charley prattled away merrily, but he soon stopped and co stuff the officers had given him to drink Thisthe to make the child tipsy
”It was a shanantly ”You ht”
dick after this kept Charley by his side, and at night made him sleep in his hammock
Several days passed by, and the shi+p lay withoutup, the creere all life and activity, with a look-out at each mast-head Towards noon a sail was espied, and all sail was lish colours On the stranger being coun was fired across her bows; and as she did not heave-to, a shot was sent crashi+ng into her hull She then hauled down her colours The boats were manned and shoved off to her They quickly returned, laden alain nearer to her, when the boats towed her alongside Her cargo, consisting of bales of ht so,” said dick, when he saw the proceedings ”She is no better than she should be, and if it had not been for this little chap, I would rather have remained on the raft than have come aboard her I wonder what they will do with the crew”
That matter was soon, to dick's horror, settled One after the other he saw the poor fellows co plank, when the inner end was lifted up and they were sent overboard The brig was set on fire, and the pirate, letting down the sheets, proceeded on her course
Some days after this, when dick came on deck, he saw at a short distance a s on it Several of the officers ere on deck were consulting together, every now and then casting a look at him and Charley At last one of them called him up and made him understand that they ell-disposed towards hi the life of the little child, they wished to treat him kindly--that otherwise he would have shared the fate of the brig's crew, if they had not left hiard, they intended to land him on the island, where he would find water and sufficient food to support life; though, if he wished it, they would take care of the child, to follow their noble profession
”Thank you for nothing,” answered dick ”I would sooner heave the little chap overboard, to be munched up by a shark, than leave hi the shi+p without him, I will not do it; but if it please you to put hih, and trust to One better able to take care of us than you are”
Though the pirates did not understand what dick said, they co to be left on the island A boat was accordingly lowered, and nu, and were likely to prove useful to him, were put into her Charley ran up and shook hands with the officers, but hastened back i left behind Poor little fellow, he felt grateful to the no notion of the villains they were
dick, taking him in one arm, descended the shi+p's side into the boat, which pulled away towards the land Nu which the boat threaded her way, and at length landed hiht, on the sandy beach of a sheltered bay
dick had no inclination to shake hands with the creho had so lately murdered his countrymen, and probably very many people besides, nor did he feel at his ease till he saw the boat again pulling out towards the shi+p As soon as she had gone, dick, who had held Charley in his arms, placed him on a rock, and examined the articles which had been sent with hied to the villains, at all events,” he said; ”but can only wish the and a happier end than most of theenerous, seeing that they stole the things and had more than they could use Here are some carpenter's tools, a saw and axe, a hammer and nails, and a piece of canvas that will do for a tent; a bale of cloth, and calico, and needles, and thread; here are fish-hooks and lines, and shoes; three casks of flour and rice, and so-piece and powder and shot Well, if I hadn't seen what I did see, I should have taken them to be kind-hearted decent chaps, who, for so them, and so had put me ashore, and wished to do their best to make me comfortable Ah, I have a notion how it is--the skipper, or one or other of theot a little chap like this at hoe as their heartshi craft Yes, that's it; so if I have saved Charley's life, he has saved h he doesn't know it, bless hi finished his soliloquy, cut a pole froed up a tent, beneath which he placed Charley out of the heat of the sun He then collected wood, of which there was an abundance on the beach, and soon had a fire burning, and next proceeded to cook some of the provisions for Charley and hi of water, which would afford him an abundant supply of that necessary of life
”We sha'n't be so badly off, Charley, after all,” he said; ”only I hope these felloon't coain, in case they may take it into their heads to carry you away”
”I will not leave you, dick,” answered the boy, taking his hand and beginning to cry at the thought
”You sha'n't, Charley, you sha'n't,” said dick ”We will move away to another part of the island, where they cannot find us; may be there is water elsewhere, that's e shall want etables, and with the gun I shall be able to shoot birds, and with the hooks catch as many fish as we shall want We are better off than on the raft, anyhow”
dick having made up a bed with the cloth for Charley to sleep on, cut soht
”You say your prayers, Charley,” said dick; ”andus ashore in safety”