Part 16 (1/2)


[192] According to some historians, this race-mixture occurred almost at once. The theory is that the Aryan conquerors, who outside the north-western region had very few of their own women with them, took Dravidian women as wives or concubines, and legitimatized their half-breed children, the offspring of the conquerors, both pure-bloods and mixed-bloods, coalescing into a closed caste. Further infiltration of Dravidian blood was thus prevented, but Aryan race-purity had been destroyed.

[193] Sir Bampfylde Fuller, _Studies of Indian Life and Sentiment_, p.

40 (London, 1910). For other discussions of caste and its effects, see W. Archer, _India and the Future_ (London, 1918); Sir V. Chirol, _Indian Unrest_ (London, 1910); Rev. J. Morrison, _New Ideas in India: A Study of Social, Political and Religious Developments_ (Edinburgh, 1906); Sir H. Risley, _The People of India_ (London, 1908); also writings of the ”Namasudra” leader, Dr. Nair, previously quoted, and S. Nihal Singh, ”India's Untouchables,” _Contemporary Review_, March, 1913.

[194] For the nationalist movement, see Archer, Chirol, and Morrison, _supra_. Also Sir H. J. S. Cotton, _India in Transition_ (London, 1904); J. N. Farquhar, _Modern Religious Movements in India_ (New York, 1915); Sir W. W. Hunter, _The India of the Queen and Other Essays_ (London, 1903); W. S. Lilly, _India and Its Problems_ (London, 1902); Sir V.

Lovett, _A History of the Indian Nationalist Movement_ (London, 1920); J. Ramsay Macdonald, _The Government of India_ (London, 1920); Sir T.

Morison, _Imperial Rule in India_ (London, 1899); J. D. Rees, _The Real India_ (London, 1908); Sir J. Strachey, _India: Its Administration and Progress_ (Fourth Edition--London, 1911); K. Vyasa Rao, _The Future Government of India_ (London, 1918).

[195] I have already discussed this ”Golden Age” tendency in Chapter III. For more or less Extremist Indian view-points, see A. Coomaraswamy, _The Dance of Siva_ (New York, 1918); H. Maitra, _Hinduism: The World-Ideal_ (London, 1916); Bipin Chandra Pal, ”The Forces Behind the Unrest in India,” _Contemporary Review_, February, 1910; also various writings of Lajpat Rai, especially _The Arya Samaj_ (London, 1915) and _Young India_ (New York, 1916).

[196] For Indian Mohammedan points of view, mostly anti-Hindu, see H. H.

The Aga Khan, _India in Transition_ (London, 1918); S. Khuda Bukhsh, _Essays: Indian and Islamic_ (London, 1912); Sir Syed Ahmed, _The Present State of Indian Politics_ (Allahabad, 1888); Syed Sirdar Ali Khan, _The Unrest in India_ (Bombay, 1907); also his _India of To-day_ (Bombay, 1908).

[197] This att.i.tude of the ”Depressed,” especially as revealed in the ”Namasudra a.s.sociation,” has already been discussed in Chapter III, and will be further touched upon later in this present chapter.

[198] Regarding the Indian native princes, see Archer and Chirol, _supra_. Also J. Pollen, ”Native States and Indian Home Rule,” _Asiatic Review_, January 1, 1917; The Maharajah of Bobbili, _Advice to the Indian Aristocracy_ (Madras, 1905); articles by Sir D. Barr and Sir F.

Younghusband in _The Empire and the Century_ (London, 1905).

[199] A good symposium of extremist comment is contained in Chirol, _supra_. Also see J. D. Rees, _The Real India_ (London, 1908); series of extremist articles in _The Open Court_, March, 1917. A good sample of extremist literature is the fairly well-known pamphlet _India's ”Loyalty” to England_ (1915).

[200] Discussed in the preceding chapter.

[201] Quoted in Chapter IV.

[202] Lord Sydenham, ”India,” _Contemporary Review_, November, 1918. For similar criticisms of the Montagu-Chelmsford proposals, see G. M.

Chesney, _India under Experiment_ (London, 1918); ”The First Stage towards Indian Anarchy,” _Spectator_, December 20, 1919.

[203] Lionel Curtis, _Letters to the People of India on Responsible Government_, already quoted at the end of Chapter IV.

[204] Sir V. Chirol, ”India in Travail,” _Edinburgh Review_, July, 1918.

[205] _I. e._, self-government, in the extremist sense--practically independence.



One of the most interesting phenomena of modern world-history is the twofold conquest of the East by the West. The word ”conquest” is usually employed in a political sense, and calls up visions of embattled armies subduing foreign lands and lording it over distant peoples. Such political conquests in the Orient did of course occur, and we have already seen how, during the past century, the decrepit states of the Near and Middle East fell an easy prey to the armed might of the European Powers.

But what is not so generally realized is the fact that this political conquest was paralleled by an economic conquest perhaps even more complete and probably destined to produce changes of an even more profound and enduring character.

The root-cause of this economic conquest was the Industrial Revolution.

Just as the voyages of Columbus and Da Gama gave Europe the strategic mastery of the ocean and thereby the political mastery of the world, so the technical inventions of the later eighteenth century which inaugurated the Industrial Revolution gave Europe the economic mastery of the world. These inventions in fact heralded a new Age of Discovery, this time into the realms of science. The results were, if possible, more momentous even than those of the age of geographical discovery three centuries before. They gave our race such increased mastery over the resources of nature that the ensuing transformation of economic life swiftly and utterly transformed the face of things.

This transformation was, indeed, unprecedented in the world's history.

Hitherto man's material progress had been a gradual evolution. With the exception of gunpowder, he had tapped no new sources of material energy since very ancient times. The horse-drawn mail-coach of our great-grandfathers was merely a logical elaboration of the horse-drawn Egyptian chariot; the wind-driven clipper-s.h.i.+p traced its line unbroken to Ulysses's lateen bark before Troy; while industry still relied on the brawn of man and beast or upon the simple action of wind and waterfall.

Suddenly all was changed. Steam, electricity, petrol, the Hertzian wave, harnessed nature's hidden powers, conquered distance, and shrunk the terrestrial globe to the measure of human hands. Man entered a new material world, differing not merely in degree but in kind from that of previous generations.