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Lapie, _Les Civilisations tunisiennes_ (Paris, 1898); P. Millet, ”Les Jeunes-Algeriens,” _Revue de Paris_, 1 November, 1913.
[157] A good a.n.a.lysis of the pre-revolutionary reformist movements is found in ”X,” ”La Situation politique de la Perse,” _Revue du Monde musulman_, June, 1914. See also Vambery, _Western Culture in Eastern Lands_; General Sir T. E. Gordon, ”The Reform Movement in Persia,”
_Proceedings of the Central Asian Society_, 13 March, 1907.
[158] See W. Morgan Shuster, _The Strangling of Persia_ (New York, 1912). Also, for earlier phase of the revolution, see E. G. Browne, _The Revolution in Persia_ (London, 1910).
[159] E. G. Browne, ”The Present Situation in Persia,” _Contemporary Review_, November, 1912.
[160] Vambery, _La Turquie d'aujourd'hui et d'avant Quarante Ans_, pp.
[161] For the Tartar revival, see S. Brobovnikov, ”Moslems in Russia,”
_The Moslem World_, January, 1911; Fevret, ”Les Tatars de Crimee,”
_Revue du Monde musulman_, August, 1907; A. Le Chatelier, ”Les Musulmans russes,” _Revue du Monde musulman_, December, 1906; Fr. von Mackay, ”Die Erweckung Russlands asiatischen Volkerschaften,” _Deutsche Rundschau_, March, 1918; Arminius Vambery, _Western Culture in Eastern Lands_; H.
Williams, ”The Russian Mohammedans,” _Russian Review_, February, 1914; ”X,” ”Le Pan-Islamisme et le Pan-Turquisme,” _Revue du Monde musulman_, March, 1913.
[162] For these activities, see article by ”X,” quoted above; also Ahmed Emin, _The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by its Press_ (New York, 1914).
[163] For these Pan-Turanian tendencies in Hungary and Bulgaria, see my article ”Pan-Turanism,” _American Political Science Review_, February, 1917.
[164] See article by ”X,” quoted above; also his article ”Les Courants politiques dans la Turquie contemporaine,” _Revue du Monde musulman_, December, 1912.
[165] Ex-Chief of General Staff (Ottoman) Ernst Paraquin, in the _Berliner Tageblatt_, January 24, 1920. For Turkish nationalist activities and att.i.tudes during the war, see further I. D. 1199--_A Manual on the Turanians and Pan-Turanianism. Compiled by the Geographical Section of the Naval Intelligence Division, Naval Staff, Admiralty_ (London, 1919); E. F. Benson, _Crescent and Iron Cross_ (London, 1918); M. A. Czaplicka, _The Turks of Central Asia: An Inquiry into the Pan-Turanian Problem_ (Oxford, 1918); H. Morgenthau, _Amba.s.sador Morgenthau's Story_ (New York, 1918); Dr. Harry Sturmer, _Two War-Years in Constantinople_ (New York, 1917); A. Mandelstam, ”The Turkish Spirit,” _New Europe_, April 22, 1920.
[166] For Pan-Arab developments, see A. Musil, _Zur Zeitgeschichte von Arabien_ (Leipzig, 1918); M. Pickthall, ”Turkey, England, and the Present Crisis,” _Asiatic Review_, October 1, 1914; A. Servier, _Le Nationalisme musulman_; Sheick Abd-el-Aziz Schauisch, ”Das Machtgebiet der arabischen Sprache,” _Preussische Jahrbucher_, September, 1916.
[167] Literally ”House of Islam.” All non-Moslem lands are collectively known as ”Dar-ul-Harb” or ”House of War.”
[168] _I. e._, the organized group of followers of a particular religion.
[169] Mohammed Ali, ”Le Mouvement musulman dans l'Inde,” _Revue Politique Internationale_, January, 1914. He headed the so-called ”Khilafat Delegation” sent by the Indian Moslems to England in 1919 to protest against the part.i.tion of the Ottoman Empire by the peace treaties.
[170] A. Servier, _Le Nationalisme musulman_, p. 181.
[171] For Pan-Islamic nationalism, besides Servier and Mohammed Ali, quoted above, see A. Le Chatelier, _L'Islam au dix-neuvieme Siecle_ (Paris, 1888); same author, ”Politique musulmane,” _Revue du Monde Musulman_, September, 1910; Sir T. Morison, ”England and Islam,”
_Nineteenth Century and After_, July, 1919; G. Demorgny, _La Question Persane_, pp. 23-31 (Paris, 1916); W. E. D. Allen, ”Transcaucasia, Past and Present,” _Quarterly Review_, October, 1920.
[172] _Egyptian White Book_: Collection of Official Correspondence of the Egyptian Delegation to the Peace Conference (Paris, 1919).
[173] G. Civimini, in the _Corriere della Sera_, December 30, 1919.
[174] Madame Jehan d'Ivray, ”En egypte,” _Revue de Paris_, September 15, 1920. Madame d'Ivray cites other picturesque incidents of a like character. See also Annexes to _Egyptian White Book_, previously quoted.
These Annexes contain numerous depositions, often accompanied by photographs, alleging severities and atrocities by the British troops.
[175] Contained in the press statements previously mentioned.
[176] Sir M. McIlwraith, ”Egyptian Nationalism,” _Edinburgh Review_, July, 1919. See also Hon. W. Ormsby-Gore, ”The Future in Egypt,” _New Europe_, November 6, 1919.