Part 31 (1/2)



”Captain, where am I?”

”In the woods with me, Peck”

”What has happened?”

”Don't you remember? The Indians surprised us, and you were shot in the side”

The brow of the wounded soldier contracted for aand painful breath

”Ah, yes, I remember now Are we alone?”


”And what of the others, captain?”

”I am afraid they have either been shot down or taken prisoners Poor Carwell and Leeds I know are dead”

”It was a nasty surprise, wasn't it? I was sure they hadn't seen me”

”Those Indians are sly, Peck They never let on until they are fully ready We can be thankful that we escaped”

”How long have we been here?”

”The best part of the day I carried you along the brook and to here, and I haven't dared to go any further Those Indians can't be far off”

”It was good of you to do that for ratefully

”I know you would have done as much for me, Peck What I am worried about is e are to do next”

”Perhaps you had better wait till dark, and then sneak to the fort”

”How do you feel?”

”Weak, captain, weak as a rag”

”I shan't leave you, Peck”

”But you ought to try to save yourself”

”We can both try to do that, when you are stronger”