Part 14 (1/2)
The deer was now charging with lowered head He was in a fearful rage
As he ca captain burst into view, his rifle barrel still save one last leap into the air, and came down upon Darry The fall knocked the boy senseless
While Captain Moore was reht from Darry's body, the old scout caot it, did he?” said Benson ”Is he badly hurt?”
”I hope not,” answered the young captain ”You see, the deer didn't touch him until I fired Then he leaped up and knocked my cousin down”
”Hope there aint any bones broken”
The deer was reet so Darry's wrists The water was dashed into the unconscious youth's face, and soon he gave a gasp and opened his eyes
”The deer?” were his first words
”You are safe,” said the captain reassuringly ”The deer is dead”
”Oh!” Darry uttered a sigh of relief ”I was thinking he was goring me to pieces”
”You had a narrow escape,” put in old Benson ”If it hadn't been for the captain he would have mauled you for certain Didn't you hear ht it would be an easyhi for breath
”Any bones broken?” questioned Captain Moore
”I--I guess not” Darry gave a sigh and sat up ”How did Joe ht,” answered that individual ”Benson did the trick for ood deal”
”And I owe you a good deal,” said Darry, turning to his cousin
”I' captain ”After this both you and Joe must be more careful If either of you had been killed I would never have forgiven ive you both a bit of advice, and I want you to reet too close to big ga, and be extry careful of big ga fox will turn on you if he sees there is no other way out of his difficulty”
”I'll remember that,” answered both Joe and Darry, and they did re abolished
Darry felt too weak for the ti to do much, so Joe led him back to where they had left the horses, while Captain Moore and old Benson took upon the in the four deer Each was a beautiful prize, and the quartetup on a couple of tree branches
”The colonel will like this haul,” said the young captain ”It will mean priet some of it back to the fort without delay--so we can put it on ice and keep it nice”
”I'll take 'eht, if you say so,” answered the scout ”I can take one on my horse, and load the other three on one of the other animals”
”Then do that, and while at the fort ask the colonel if he will give me permission to re in so for all hands to enjoy”
”I'll do it,” said the old scout
Soon the deer were packed on the horses, old Benson having first cut soaood care of yourselves while I a
”And you, Joe and Darry,cornered”