Part 11 (1/2)

”He ht under the branches,” said Lambert ”As the tree hit him it turned partly over Perhaps----There is his foot!”

He pointed to the tree--and there, sure enough, was Darry's left foot, kicking wildly above the surface of the river Then the boy's head came up, but only for a moment

”Save me!” he spluttered, and iroaned Joe ”Can't we throw a fishi+ng-line over the tree and haul it ashore?”

”A good idea!” answered Laht up the fishi+ng-tackle, and lines in hand ran along the river bank until he was below the tree The others followed, and helped hiet the lines into shape Then a quick cast was made, but the lines fell short

”Too bad!” came fro over again!” shouted Biggs, and he was right As soht in a crotch and held there as if in a vise

Another cast was made, and then a third, but all in vain Then the tree, with its helpless victim, moved forwardfalls, which were but a short distance off



”Darry is lost! Nothing can save hiht which rushed through Joe's brain as he watched the progress of the drifting tree as it moved swiftly toward the falls of Rocky Pass River

He knew the falls to be over thirty feet high At the botto pool which sent up a continual shower of spray nobody entering that pool could survive

Darry, too, realized his peril, and continued to call for help Had he been able to loosen himself he would have leaped into the water, but he eak and helpless, and his voice could scarcely be heard above the rushi+ng of the rapids

Joe and the three soldiers continued to run along the river bank, over rough rocks that cut their feet and through bushes which scratched them in scores of places At last they came out on a point directly above the falls

The tree still spun on, and Joe closed his eyes to shut out the sight of as to follow

Suddenly Laht! It has stopped ain Joe looked, and he saw that what the soldier said was true The under branches of the drifting tree had hit some sharp rocks below the river's surface, and one branch had wedged itself fast

This catching of the driftwood bent down the limb that held Darry, and soon they saw that the irip which had held him But what to do next the lad did not know To swim to the shore was out of the question

”I--I can't make it,” he told himself, as he panted for breath He was so exhausted that he felt veryaway But he knew he must keep his senses, or all would be over with him

”Darry! Darry! Are you much hurt?” called out Joe

”Not asped out answer

”I'll try the fishi+ng lines again,” said Lambert, and prepared them once more A first cast did not reach Darry, but a second did, and he caught the sinkers to the lines with a good deal of satisfaction

”Will they hold?” questioned Joe