Part 4 (1/2)
He got down and exa to discover so clean Nevertheless, he felt certain that he was right, and hurried along as fast as his tired li the brook, the trail wound in and out along a series of rocks and then through soed cliff The cliff was overgroith heavy vines, which hung down and brushed Joe's head as he passed
”I can't be ht the boy ”And if I hurry----”
He stopped short, and then gave a cry of terror, and with good reason
He had seen the vines ahead suddenly part, and now there cay head of a black bear As soon as the beast caught sight of the boy he leaped to the trail and advanced upon him
Joe had never before met a black bear in the open air, but he had seen several in eries and studied them at a safe distance, and he realized that he was in a perilous position The bear looked both unta would suit hi the lad to death and eat him up afterward
Joe did not stand upon the order of his going, but went instantly, running as fast as his tired limbs would per what good tieneral appearance of clu over his shoulder, the lad soon saw that the beast was slowly but surely lessening the distance between thely, but the bear did not mind in the least He trotted on until less than two rods separated boy and beast Then Joe reached so tree in theirto think twice he climbed into the tree and to one of the upper branches
Hardly had he reached what he thought ht prove a temporary place of safety when he realized his mistake The bear came up the tree after him,--slowly, it is true; but still up,--and this caused Joe's hair to fairly stand upon end
”I'rowing not far away A liained the boy's foot Joe swung hiained a safe spot on the tree li to a halt on the branch opposite, set up a growl of rage and disappointment
For a minute he surveyed the situation, then ca it inch by inch As it bent down he retreated, letting out a second growl, louder than the other
Joe ondering if he could drop to the ground and escape in that manner, when he saw the bear descend and come quickly toward the tree he was on He watched the beast closely, and waited until it was close to him Then he inally coain the bear carowl of rage and disappointht have laughed had he not felt so serious
”We can keep this up a long ti as you don't try to leap afterhe could not reach the boy by co up one tree or the other, the black bear descended slowly to the ground Then he walked around both trees several times, and at last came to a halt between the two
Here he sank down, as if to rest, but nevertheless kept one eye open and fixed upon Joe
”He's going on guard! He ain his heart sank He remembered a story he had once read, in which a bear had starved a man to death and eaten him afterward Would Mr Bruin do so in this case?
He wished he had a pistol, or a hunting-knife, or even a fair-sized stone But he had nothing except a thin club, which he had cut for himself with his jackknife This he kept in hand, and also kept the knife open and where he could get at it readily if needed
Half an hour went by,--a time that to Joe seemed a whole day,--and still the black bear re with the other
The sight of the beast taking it so easy wasunder the circumstances, and at last the youth cut another club and hurled it down on top of the bear At once the beast fleith a roar, and, standing on his hind legs, snapped his teeth at Joe Then he flew up the tree once more, faster than ever before
As the bear ca seen another friendly limb over his head He was sorely teht best not to run tooto the next tree, and again the bear gave a growl and went down Then, being near the top of the tree, the lad took a good look around
In a ht his eye which caused his heart to juht There on the trail were Darry and old Benson, riding along slowly
”Hi! hi! This way!” he shouted, with all the strength of his lungs