Book 1 - Page 66 (1/2)
I stammered out a few syllables, completely unprepared for his question.
“She’s efficient,” Bennett said, walking around me and taking a seat at the table. “When she wrapped up the Papadakis account, we suggested she take a short interns.h.i.+p elsewhere until she finished her degree. After all, we’re hoping she’ll be at Ryan Media for the foreseeable future.”
I struggled to hide my shock. What the h.e.l.l is he talking about?
“Fantastic,” said an older man at the end of the table. “On Papadakis?”
Bennett nodded. “Working under my father. He needs someone to manage this one since it will take up an FTE. Chloe was the obvious choice, if she’ll accept.”
I swallowed down about five thousand different reactions. The primary one was irritation, for his bringing this up in front of the board. But tangled up with that were also grat.i.tude, excitement, pride. Bennett would be getting an earful after I was finished here.
“Well, let’s get started then,” Cheng said, leaning back in his chair.
I picked up my laser pointer and walked to the front of the room, feeling as though the floor were made of Jell-O. Two seats away from the head of the table, Bennett cleared his throat, catching my eye.
I’d need to ask him about that too. Because I was pretty sure that right before I began speaking he mouthed the words “I love you.”
Sneaky b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
They said my presentation would be one for the brochure, the Web site, the company newsletter.
They had me sign some papers, pose for some photos, shake a lot of hands.
They even offered me a job at JT Miller.
“She’s taken,” Bennett said, pulling me to the side. He stared down at me, wordless, while everyone eventually filtered out of the room.
“Yeah, about that,” I said, trying to sound angry. I was still on a crazy high from the presentation, from the discussion, from the entire day. Having Bennett within kissing distance didn’t hurt at all.
“Please don’t say no. I sort of stole Dad’s thunder. He was going to call you tonight.”
“Is he really going to offer me a job?”
“Are you going to take it?”
I shrugged, feeling giddy. “Who knows? Right now I just want to celebrate.”
“You were amazing up there.” He bent and kissed my cheek.
“Thank you. It was the most fun I’ve had in weeks.”
“The handouts were good, am I right?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, but you made one critical error.”
His face fell. “What?”
“You admitted that you know how to operate PowerPoint.”
With a laugh, he took my laptop bag from me and put it on a chair behind him, stalking closer with a dark smile. “I used to make slides for my boss. I was an intern once too, of course.”
Goose b.u.mps broke out along my skin. “Did your boss yell?”