Book 1 - Page 55 (1/2)
“I could have done something. You don’t have to be such a man.”
“Don’t be such a woman. What could you have done? Food poisoning is a pretty lonely business.”
“So what should I tell Gugliotti?”
He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “s.h.i.+t. What time is it?”
I glanced at the clock. “Just after seven.”
“What time is the meeting?”
He started to get up but was easy enough to shove back down into the bed. “No way in h.e.l.l are you going to that meeting like this! When was the last time you threw up?”
He groaned. “A few minutes ago.”
“Exactly. Gross. I’ll call him to reschedule.”
He gripped my arm before I could walk over to the desk and grab my phone. “Chloe. You do it.”
My eyebrows inched to my hairline. “Do what?”
He waited.
“The meeting?”
He nodded.
“Without you?”
He nodded again.
“You’re sending me to a meeting alone?”
“Miss Mills, you’re as sharp as a spoon.”
“f.u.c.k off,” I said, laughing and pus.h.i.+ng him gently. “And I’m not doing it without you.”
“Why not? I bet you know the account we’re offering as well as I do. Besides, if we reschedule he’s just going to take a lavish trip to Chicago and send us the bill. Please, Chloe.”
I stared down at him, waiting for him to break into a teasing grin or take it back. But he didn’t. And the truth was, I did know the account, and I did know the terms. I could do this.
“Okay,” I said, smiling and feeling a surge of hope that we could figure this—us—out after all. “I’m in.”