Part 35 (1/2)

”You can see for yourself, can't ye?” he said. ”What do people mostly do when there's shooting going on, and they've got a gun?”

”But how came you here at all? I thought you were to stay at--at the place where I put you.”

”That was likely, wasn't it! Me loafing around the house like a tame cat among the while good fighting was going on up here!”

”If you wanted to come, why not have marched with us? I asked you.”

”I don't march much myself. It suits me to get around on my own legs in my own way. I told you I wouldn't go into any ranks, or tote my gun on my shoulder when it was handier to carry it on my arm. But I didn't tell you I wouldn't come up and see this thing on my own hook.”

”Have you been here all day?”

”If you come to that, it's none of your business, young man. I got here about the right time of day to save _your_ bacon, anyway. That's enough for _you_, ain't it?”

The rebuke was just, and I put no further questions.

A great stillness had fallen upon the forest behind us. In the distance, from the scrub-oak thickets on the lowlands by the river, there sounded from time to time the echo of a stray shot, and faint Mohawk cries of ”Oonah! Oonah!” The battle was over.

”They were beginning to run away before I came down,” said Enoch, in comment upon some of these dying-away yells of defeat which came to us.

”They got handled too rough. If their white officers had showed themselves more, and took bigger risks, they'd have stood their ground. But these Tory fine gentlemen are a pack of cowards. They let the Injuns get killed, but they kept darned well hid themselves.”

The man on the ground broke silence here.

”You lie!” he said, fiercely.

”Oh! you can talk, can you?” said Enoch. ”No, I don't lie, Mr. Cross. I'm talking gospel truth. Herkimer's officers came out like men, and fought like men, and got shot by dozens; but till we struck you, I never laid eyes on one of you fellows all day long, and my eyesight's pretty good, too. Don't you think it is? I nailed you right under the nipple, there, within a hair of the b.u.t.ton I sighted on. I leave it to you if that ain't pretty fair shooting.”

The cool brutality of this talk revolted me. I had it on my tongue to interpose, when the wounded man spoke again, with a new accent of gloom in his tone.

”What have I ever done to you?” he said, with his hand upon his breast.

”Why, nothing at all, Mr. Cross,” answered Enoch, amiably. ”There wasn't any feeling about it, at least on my part. I'd have potted you just as carefully if we'd been perfect strangers.”

”Will you leave us here together for a little while, Enoch?” I broke in.

”Come back in a few minutes; find out what the news is in the gulf--how the fight has gone. I desire some words with this--this gentleman.”

The trapper nodded at this, and started off with his cat-like, springing walk, loading his rifle as he went. ”I'll turn up in about a quarter of an hour,” he said.

I watched his lithe, leather-clad figure disappear among the trees, and then wheeled around to my prostrate foe.

”I do not know what to say to you,” I said, hesitatingly, looking down upon him.

He had taken his hand away from his breast, and was fumbling with it on the gra.s.s behind him. Suddenly he raised it, with a sharp cry of--

”I know what to say to you!”

There was a pistol in the air confronting me, and I, taken all aback, looked full into the black circle of its barrel as he pulled the trigger.

The flint struck out a spark of flame, but it fell upon priming dampened by the wet gra.s.s.

The momentary gleam of eagerness in the pallid face before me died piteously away when no report came. If he had had the strength he would have thrown the useless weapon at me. As it was, it dropped from his nerveless fingers. He closed his eyes under the knit brows, upon which cold sweat stood out, and groaned aloud.