Part 50 (1/2)
”Go and tell him he may come in, my good Gertrude.”
”Charlotte and I will leave you,” said Madam Desmarais. ”If you go out, John, come and see us before you leave.”
”Certainly, dear mother.” Then addressing his wife, John added, significantly, ”If you see Victoria before I do, keep silence on the subject of our talk.”
”Speaking of Victoria, my children, I must say that the change in her health seems serious.”
”We share your fears, good mother. Without a doubt, Victoria is suffering from some secret sorrow. But you know what reserve we must proceed with if we wish to win our sister's confidence. Depend upon us, mother, and until John or I have seen you, say nothing to Victoria which could lead her to suppose that we have remarked the change which afflicts us--alas, with all too much cause.”
”You may count upon my discretion,” replied Madam Desmarais. She and her daughter then left the room, and soon Castillon, foreman to John Lebrenn, was engaged in conversation with his master.
The foreman of John Lebrenn's iron works, a stalwart smith of about the same age as his master, was splendidly typical of the republican workingman of the time. Like most of the proletarians of his day, Castillon had embraced revolutionary ideas more by instinct than by reason. In common with his brother workmen, he desired equality before the law, and common possession of the tools of production as a means of escape from bourgeois exploitation. A high-minded patriot, conscious of his rights and still more conscious of his civic duties; an honest man in the fullest sense of the word, rigorous of conduct, and despite his complete lack of education, endowed with a lively intelligence; an excellent workman at his trade, Castillon often regretted not being able to go to war. He was a true child of Paris, open, joyous and determined of character, joining to solid qualities of heart a spirit full of go and vivacity, and often of an original turn. Much attached to the young artisan, who had worked more than ten years at the forge beside him, John Lebrenn appreciated his foreman as he deserved, and exercised over him a command founded on rect.i.tude of principle, mature judgment, and a degree of education only too rare among his brothers of the people.
Master and foreman thee-and-thoued each other like old friends, less in obedience to the general habit of the time than as the result of old reciprocal affection, and long community of labor.
”Ah, John, I would not have disturbed you,” said Castillon, as he entered the room. ”You were in conversation with your wife and her mother--perhaps I come at the wrong time?”
”You are always welcome, my good Castillon. Be seated. What's afoot?”
”Such as you see me, my friend, I come as an amba.s.sador--but without emoluments. I shall not break the treasury of the Republic.”
”The amba.s.sador of our comrades, no doubt; and what is the text of your”
”This: For a fortnight we have none of us had the time to go to our Section meetings, we had to finish the order of guns and muskets for the nation; for that is sacred, it comes first before everything. To forge arms for our brothers at the front! Ah! by my pipe, they will be proud and happy, down there, to be able to slap the Prussians!”
”Patience, Castillon, our day will come.”
”Patience let it be. But it is beggarly hard to be able only to a.s.semble and polish up for others these fine five-foot clarinets, on which one would so love to play the _ca Ira_, while we spat our lead at the Prussians; and It will come, by my pipe, It will! But what would you? We are like the poor workpeople of the silk factories of Lyons and Tours, who see the holy bourgeois sporting the beautiful goods they themselves have woven! So you see, we could not go to our Section meetings, since we worked from six in the morning till twelve at night, without stopping. And in this labor for the country you set us the example, for if you were before us in the shop, old fellow, you left it after us.”
”That was my duty; I demanded great efforts of you in the name of the Republic, I should share your fatigues.”
”Hold, John. You are what we may call a man; a worthy man.”
”Come, we are too old friends to be bandying compliments.”
”Call it what you like, I repeat that you are a worthy man. Look--what did you say to us when you bought the place of our old master, Goodman Gervais? 'Here we are, a score of good fellows, working as one family like good republicans. Let us take count: The shop brings in, or should bring in, in income, so much. Good. From this income we must first take out the sum I must annually pay to Master Gervais, and at the end of ten years the establishment will belong to us. Up till then, we shall share the proceeds proportionately to the hours of labor put in by each of us.
My wife, who keeps our books and manages the treasury, will have her share of the proceeds, like us.' It was in this fas.h.i.+on that you spoke to us, John. It was in your power, on becoming our employer, to exploit us, as the bourgeois do. But you, you shared with us as brothers, as good comrades. Ah, and now, to return to the purpose of my mission, for I have traveled far from it, here is the business. It is, as you see, a fortnight since we have been able to go either to our Sections or to the Jacobins or the Cordeliers, to keep track of events. Then, to-night, they beat the a.s.sembly. We knew vaguely, from one side and another, that something was simmering; but what it was that was simmering, and what it was simmering for--that was the rub! We could have learned by going to our Sections, but we were sworn, due to the urgency of our task, never to leave the shop before midnight, when work was stopped.
Nevertheless, we were restless over what was taking place this evening in Paris. We asked ourselves whether we ought not to drop work anyhow, and go and lend a hand to our brothers, when they beat the a.s.sembly. So that finally my comrades sent me to you, John, to ask whether we should stick to the shop, or go to our Sections. Decide the question; we shall follow your advice.”
”My advice is that we should work still more diligently to-night, for to-morrow and perhaps day after to-morrow we may have to go out in the street to hold a demonstration, a great demonstration.”
”Let's get busy!” exclaimed Castillon, his face s.h.i.+ning with ardor. ”We have perhaps to exterminate a new intrigue of Pitt and Coburg, or a little scheme of the ex-n.o.bles and the skull-caps? By my pipe, that's fine. And, _ca ira_; I have just finished a love of a musket; maybe I can test it on the blacks or the whites, on the Jesuits, their laymen, and the n.o.bles! What an opportunity!”
”You will not have that sad chance.”