Part 89 (1/2)

”'In a beautiful palace av stone Resoided ould Diuny M'Divitt; He wore a most beautiful ring That were filed round his wrist wid a rivet.

'Twas the judge, shure, that sintinced him there, An' there all the boys wint til view him, For the jury considhered him dull At discernin' twixt ”mayum” and ”chuum.”

So fill up for the toast an' I'll give it: Here's a health to bowld Dinny M'Divitt!'”

At this the monarch raised the bottle to his mouth and took another long, long pull.

From this Brooke gathered that they were to be taken to the castle. He asked ”His Majesty” if this were so.

”Begorra, ye've hit it,” said ”His Majesty.

”Is there anything to prevent our being taken there at once?” asked Brooke.

”Bedad, there's iverything in loife. Shure, I've come on a surprise-party til capture the castle.”

It occurred to Brooke that this was a curious way to surprise a castle--by kindling torches, dancing, and singing songs; but he made no remark upon that. He saw that the chief supposed the castle to be defended, and so he hastened to undeceive him.

”His Majesty” listened in amazement to Brooke's story.

”Begorra,” said he, ”here's another surprise! Didn't I say we were a surprised party? Shure, an' ye've all showed pluck, ivery man jack av yez, includin' the ladies. An' that same 'll have to be considhered in our thraitmint wid yez about the ransom. Shure, I'll deduct five per cint., so I will. n.o.body shall say we're not magnanimous. But bein' as there's n.o.body there, shure, the best thing for us to do is to go over at onct and raysume possission.”

With these words the monarch retired to give orders to his men, and in a short time the whole band, together with their prisoners, had pa.s.sed over and had taken possession.



The party of prisoners was conducted by ”His Majesty” to that upper room which had formerly been occupied by the ladies. Mrs. Russell clung to the royal person as fondly as ever. It was a critical hour in the destinies of Spain.

”Where's Rita,” cried ”His Majesty,” ”that cook of cooks? It's starvin' we are. I haven't seen her anywheres. I'll go an' hunt her up.”

With these words he hurried out, followed by Mrs. Russell. They descended the stairs, and their footsteps died away in the distance. No one was now with the prisoners except the wounded Republicans.

”Let us fly!” said Harry, in a quick, sharp whisper.

He hurried Katie to the chimney, and, clambering up, drew her after him.

The others followed at once. Dolores came next to Harry.

”I know a secret way out,” said she. ”I will show the way. Let me go ahead. I know it in the dark.”

”Do you?” said Harry. ”Oh, then go ahead.”

Upon this Dolores took the lead along with Ashby; Harry and Katie came next, while Brooke and Talbot brought up the rear, these last being full of wonder at this unexpected revelation of the pa.s.sage-way.

By this time each member of the party had gained a full and complete comprehension as well as appreciation of the present state of things, both with reference to the old lover, and also the new one. Embarra.s.sment had now pa.s.sed away, and all were full of hope, joy, and enthusiasm.

Suddenly a hollow groan sounded through the darkness.

”Who's there?” cried Ashby, in Spanish.