Part 55 (1/2)

”Oh yes--me speek Inglees--me in Cuba--learn speek Inglees--vara mooch.”

”Oh! so you've been in Cuba, have you, my dear? Well, Cuba's a very pretty country, and you're a very pretty woman.”

The woman smiled, showing rows of splendid teeth.

”Senor mus' be a gran' n.o.bile--a generale.”

Russell smiled a lofty smile, and laid his hand patronizingly, yet tenderly, upon the woman's shoulder.

”You are a very sensible woman,” said he, ”and as pretty as you are sensible. What is your name?”

”Rita,” said the woman.

”Well, Rita, I dare say you and I shall be great friends.”

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”Beaut'ful! Oh, Lovela!”]

”Friends! oh, senor is too much magnifico--”

”Oh, I ain't proud, my dear--not a bit, not a mite. I've got plenty of money, Rita, and can help my friends; but I ain't proud, not me.

And what may be your particular duties in this establishment?”


”I say, what do you do here? Are you house-keeper?”

”Senor, I am maid--to the lady prisoners--an' other things--to servar and attendar.”

”Prisoners, eh? Do they have many of them here?”

”Oh--sometime,” said Rita, with a laugh; ”ladies and gen'l'ms.”

Russell looked at her with a benignant smile.

”Well, Rita, all that I can say is, it's a pity that such a pretty woman as you cannot have some better fortune than this.”

Rita laughed.

”Ah, senor, you a flattera!”

”Oh no. I'm a plain, blunt, bluff, honest John Bull. But the fact is, you are very pretty, Rita, my dear!”

Rita laughed again at this, and her large black eyes fixed themselves with bolder admiration upon the benignant face and splendid dress of the gallant tailor.

Here a happy thought occurred to Russell's mind.

It was evident that this woman was already an admiring friend. Could he not, in some way, work upon her so as to attract her to his interests? Her help would be invaluable. She might, if she chose, do much; she might even help him to escape. It was worth trying. To win her over to his side, there was nothing which he would not try. But how could he get her help? By bribery? Of course, to a certain extent; but it would be well to be cautious, and not offer too much.

Other means might be used.