Part 46 (1/2)

”Very,” says Lowry, with a look that implies his absence from her side was the sole cause of its tedium, and such an amount of emphasis as awakens in Sir Penthony a mad desire to horsewhip him. Though how, in these degenerate days, _can_ one man horsewhip another because he makes use of that mild word ”very”?

It certainly is a delicious evening. Five o'clock has crept on them almost insensibly, and tea has been brought out to the veranda. Within, from the drawing-room, a roaring fire throws upon the group outside white arms of flame, as though pet.i.tioning them to enter and accept its warm invitation.

Marcia, bending over the tea-tray, is looking tall and handsome, and perhaps a degree less gloomy than usual. Philip, too, is present, also tall and handsome; only he, by way of contrast, is looking rather more moody than usual. Molly is absent; so is Luttrell.

Mr. Potts, hovering round the tea-table, like an over-grown clumsy bee, is doing all that mortal man can do in the way of carrying cups and upsetting spoons. There are few things more irritating than the clatter of falling spoons, but Mr. Potts is above irritation, whatever his friends may be, and meets each fresh mishap with laudable equanimity.

He is evidently enjoying himself, and is also taking very kindly to such good things in the shape of cake as the morbid footman has been pleased to bring.

Sir Penthony, who has st.u.r.dily declined to quit the battle-field, stands holding his wife's cup on one side, while Mr. Lowry is supplying her with cake on the other. There is a good deal of obstinacy mingled with their devotion.

”I wonder where Molly can be?” Lady Stafford says, at length. ”I always know by instinct when tea is going on in a house. She will be sorry if she misses hers. Why don't somebody go and fetch her? You, for instance,” she says, turning her face to Sir Penthony.

”I would fly to her,” replies he, unmoved, ”but I unfortunately don't know where she is. Besides, I dare say if I knew and went I would find myself unwelcome. I hate looking people up.”

”I haven't seen her all day,” says Mr. Potts, in an aggrieved tone, having finished the last piece of plum-cake, and being much exercised in his mind as to whether it is the seed or the sponge he will attack next. ”She has been out walking, or writing letters, or something, since breakfast. I hope nothing has happened to her. Perhaps if we inst.i.tuted a search----”

At this moment, Molly, smiling, _gracieuse_, appears at the open window and steps on the veranda. She is dressed in a soft blue clinging gown, and has a flower, fresh-gathered, in her hair, another at her throat, another held loosely in her slender fingers.

”Talk of an angel!” says Philip, softly, but audibly.

”_Were_ you talking of me?” asks modest Molly, turning toward him.

”Well, if ever I heard such a disgracefully conceited speech!” says Lady Stafford, laughing. But Philip says, ”We were,” still with his eyes on Molly.

”Evidently you have all been pining for me,” says Molly, gayly. ”It is useless your denying it. Mr. Potts,”--sweetly,--”leave me a little cake, will you? Don't eat it _all_ up. Knowing as you do my weakness for seed-cake, I consider it mean of you to behave as you are now doing.”

”You shall have it all,” says Mr. Potts, magnanimously. ”I devoted myself to the plum-cake so as to leave this for you; so you see I don't deserve your sneer.”

Philip straightens himself, and his moodiness flies from him. Marcia, on the contrary, grows _distrait_ and anxious. Molly, with the air of a little _gourmand_, makes her white teeth meet in her sweet cake, and, with a sigh of deep content, seats herself on the window-sill.

Mr. Potts essays to do likewise. In fact, so great is his haste to secure the coveted position that he trips, loses balance, and crash goes tea, cup, and all--with which he meant to regale his idol--on to the stone at his feet.

”You seem determined to outdo yourself this evening, Potts,” Sir Penthony says, mildly, turning his eyegla.s.s upon the delinquent. ”First you did all you knew in the way of battering the silver, and now you have turned your kind attention on the china. I really think, too, that it is the very best china,--Wedgwood, is it not? Only yesterday I heard Mr. Amherst explaining to Lady Elizabeth Eyre, who is rather a connoisseur in china, how blessed he was in possessing an entire set of Wedgwood unbroken. I heard him asking her to name a day to come and see it.”

”I don't think you need pile up the agony any higher,” Philip interposes, laughing, coming to the rescue in his grandfather's absence. ”He will never find it out.”

”I'm so awfully sorry!” Mr. Potts says, addressing Marcia, his skin having by this time borrowed largely of his hair in coloring. ”It was unpardonably awkward. I don't know how it happened. But I'll mend it again for you, Miss Amherst; I've the best cement you ever knew up-stairs; I always carry it about with me.”

”You do right,” says Molly, laughing.

”The hot tea won't affect it afterward,” goes on Potts triumphantly.

”He is evidently in the habit of going about breaking people's pet china and mending it again,--knows all about it,” murmurs Sir Penthony, _sotto voce_, with much interest. ”It isn't a concoction of your own, Potts, is it?”

”No; a fellow gave it to me. The least little touch mends, and it never gives way again.”

”That's what's-_meant_ to do,” Captain Mottie has the audacity to say, very unwisely. Of course no one takes the faintest notice. They all with one consent refuse indignantly to see it; and Longshank's inevitable ”Ha, ha!” falls horribly flat. Only Molly, after a wild struggle with her better feelings, gives way, and bursts into an irrepressible fit of laughter, for which the poor captain is intensely grateful.

Mrs. Darley, who is doing a little mild running with this would-be Joe Miller, encouraged by Molly, laughs too, and gives the captain to understand that she thinks it a joke, which is even more than could be expected of her.

A sound of footsteps upon the gravel beneath redeems any further awkwardness. They all simultaneously crane their necks over the iron railings, and all at a glance see Mr. Amherst slowly, but surely, advancing on them.