Part 16 (1/2)


1. CONDER, J.--”An Architect's Notes on the Great Earthquake of October 1891.” _j.a.pan Seismol. Journ._, vol. ii., 1893, pp.


2. DAVISON, C.--”On the Distribution in s.p.a.ce of the Accessory Shocks of the Great j.a.panese Earthquake of 1891.” _Quart.

Journ. Geol. Soc._, vol. liii., 1897, pp. 1-15.

3. ---- ”On the Effect of the Great j.a.panese Earthquake of 1891 on the Seismic Activity of the Adjoining Districts.” _Geol.

Mag._, vol. iv., 1897, pp. 23-27.

4. ---- ”On the Diurnal Periodicity of Earthquakes.” _Phil. Mag._, vol. xiii., 1896, pp. 463-476, especially pp. 466-468.

5. ---- ”On Earthquake-Sounds.” _Phil. Mag._, vol. xlix., 1900, pp.

31-70--especially pp. 49-53, 60-61.

6. KOTO, B.--”The Cause of the Great Earthquake in Central j.a.pan, 1891.” _Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. j.a.pan_, vol. v., 1893, pp. 295-353.

7. MASATO, H.--”Report on Earthquake Observations in j.a.pan.” _Cent.

Meteor. Obs. of j.a.pan_ (Tokio, 1892), pp. 16-18, 41, and map 30.

8. MILNE, J.--”A Note on the Great Earthquake of October 28th, 1891.” _j.a.pan Seismol. Journ._, vol. i., 1893, pp. 127-151; _Brit. a.s.soc. Rep._, 1892, pp. 114-128.

9. ---- ”A Catalogue of 8,331 Earthquakes recorded in j.a.pan between 1885 and 1892.” _j.a.pan Seismol. Journ._, vol. iv., 1895, pp.

1-367--especially pp. 134-234, 303-353.

10. ---- ”On Certain Disturbances in the Records of Magnetometers and the Occurrence of Earthquakes.” _Brit. a.s.soc. Rep._, 1898, pp. 226-251--especially pp. 227, 232, 234, 241, and 245.

11. MILNE, J., and W.K. BURTON.--”The Great Earthquake in j.a.pan.”

_Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. j.a.pan_, vol. v., 1893, pp.


12. OMORI, F.--”On the After-shocks of Earthquakes.” _Journ. Coll.

Sci. Imp. Univ. j.a.pan_, vol. vii., 1894, pp. 111-200; abstract in _j.a.pan Seismol. Journ._, vol. iii., 1894, pp. 71-80.

13. ---- ”A Note on the Great Mino-Owari Earthquake of October 28th, 1891.” _Pub. Earthquakes Inves. Com. in Foreign Languages_, No. 4, Tokio, 1900, pp. 13-24.

14. ---- ”Sulla velocita di propagazione e sulla lunghezza delle onde sismiche.” _Ital. Soc. Sismol. Boll._, vol. i., 1895, pp.

52-60--especially pp. 52-57.

15. ---- ”Sull' intensita e sull' ampiezza del movimento nel gran terremoto giapponese del 28 ottobre 1891.” _Ital. Soc. Sismol.

Boll._, vol. ii., 1896, pp. 189-200.

16. ---- ”Note on the After-shocks of the Mino-Owari Earthquake of Oct. 28th, 1891.” _Pub. Earthquakes Inves. Com. in Foreign Languages_, No. 7, Tokio, 1902, pp. 27-32.