Part 19 (1/2)

=”Draw nigh to G.o.d, and He will draw nigh to you.”=--JAS. iv. 8.

The nearness of G.o.d gives rest and power in prayer. The nearness of G.o.d is given to him who makes it his first object. ”Draw nigh to G.o.d”; seek the nearness to Him, and He will give it; ”He will draw nigh to you.”

Then it becomes easy to pray in faith.

Remember that when first G.o.d takes you into the school of intercession it is almost more for your own sake than that of others. You have to be trained to love, and wait, and pray, and believe. Only persevere. Learn to set yourself in His presence, to wait quietly for the a.s.surance that He draws nigh. Enter His holy presence, tarry there, and spread your work before Him. Intercede for the souls you are working among. Get a blessing from G.o.d, His Spirit into your own heart, for them.



WHAT TO PRAY.--For the Spirit on your own Congregation

=”Beginning at Jerusalem.”=--LUKE xxiv. 47.

Each one of us is connected with some congregation or circle of believers, who are to us the part of Christ's body with which we come into most direct contact. They have a special claim on our intercession.

Let it be a settled matter between G.o.d and you that you are to labour in prayer on its behalf. Pray for the minister and all leaders or workers in it. Pray for the believers according to their needs. Pray for conversions. Pray for the power of the Spirit to manifest itself. Band yourself with others to join in secret in definite pet.i.tions. Let intercession be a definite work, carried on as systematically as preaching or Sunday school. And pray, expecting an answer.

HOW TO PRAY.--Continually

=”Watchmen, that shall never hold their peace day nor night.”=--ISA.

lxii. 6.

=”His own elect, that cry to Him day and night.”=--LUKE xviii. 7.