Part 22 (1/2)

Tetrarch Ian Irvine 73180K 2022-07-22

'This is Cryl-Nish Hlar,' said the father, whose name was given as Oinan. 'He is an important man. He will stay with us for a little while and we are going to look after him. No one will ever mention his name. Cryl-Nish, this is my wife Tinketil, my older daughter, Ketila, and my other daughter, Fransi.'

Ketila hid her face, and a flush crept up her throat. Poor girl, Nish thought, to suffer such a handicap, especially when her sister is such a beauty. He shook hands with Oinan, with Tinketil and with a solemn, staring Fransi. Ketila would not look at him. Her hands fluttered over her mouth.

'Ketila,' said Oinan sternly.

Putting one hand behind her back, she held out the other. Nish took it and she gave him a little shy smile that went all the way up to her eyes. It revealed perfect white teeth, and it quite transformed her. She must have been wearing something in her mouth to make them look so horrible. Perhaps the spots and the scars were fake too.

'Teeth, Kettie!' snapped Oinan.

'They hurt, father,' Ketila said, soft and pleading.

'Oh, let her be,' said the mother. 'Have you no brains at all, husband? She can put them back if anyone comes.'

Tinketil boiled a tin mug of water over a handful of roots, cleaned Nish's wounds and covered them with precious lard.

The parents said no more about Nish, nor spoke to him either. After a while Ketila and Fransi settled on the bracken against the far wall. Nish lay on his side facing the entrance. Oinan and Tinketil whispered to each other for a long while, a furious argument for all that they spoke so softly. Nish did not catch a word of it and finally he slept.

He was woken before dawn by a flickering light at the back of the hut. Tinketil was kneeling in front of Ketila, applying the spots to her face with a clump of hair glued into the split end of a twig. The smaller girl was still asleep. Oinan was not there.

Shortly he reappeared, carrying his dinner mug. 'Hold out your hand, Cryl-Nish.'

Nish did as he was told and Oinan applied white powder to the back with a spoon, tracing out the pattern Colm had scratched the previous day. The mixture immediately began to burn and Nish had to grit his teeth.

'It only takes a few minutes,' the man said.

They were all staring at him. He wanted to weep with the pain, but they had gone through it and so could he. He counted down the seconds, then Oinan washed the quicklime off. It had taken most of the skin with it, leaving raw, weeping flesh.

'You're one of us now,' said Oinan.

A gong sounded and everyone hurried to their workhouses. So the day pa.s.sed, much as the previous one had, except that Nish now had to work. Like everyone else, he was required to a.s.semble the clockwork mechanisms, and for all his years of artificing Nish proved the slowest of all.

Back in the hut that night, as Tinketil mended a s.h.i.+rt by the light of a pithy reed smeared with rancid fat, Nish became aware that Ketila was watching him, though every time he looked in her direction she glanced away. She had washed her face and tied back her hair. She was not as beautiful as Fransi, but she was charmingly fresh and lovely, and Nish liked her.

Six months ago he might have taken advantage of her, had the opportunity come, but he was a wiser and a less selfish man now. Nish was no saint, but he could see her yearning. Not for him, particularly, and certainly not for the kinds of fleshy grapplings he dreamed about. Ketila was becoming a woman and wanted to be seen as one, and to be taken seriously.

'This land is so different from where I come from,' he said.

'Where do you come from, Cryl-Nish?' Her back was pressed against the wall but Ketila inclined her head towards him. Her mother noted it and smiled.

Nish looked different from the other people in the camp; there was a mystery about him. He had flown into the camp hanging from a huge balloon, and he came from the other side of the world. He had an important father and a powerful master and Ketila knew, because Colm had told them, about his great deeds and heroic struggle with the nylatl. She had seen the tooth and claw marks in his leg, when Tinketil dressed the wounds. To her, he was not short, plain and lacking in a beard. He was fascinating, exotic, bold and brave. And he spoke to her as if she was important.

'I was born in Fa.s.safarn,' said Nish, 'which is almost as far as you can go east from here. It is the chief city of the province of Einunar, at the furthest end of the Great Mountains.'

'What is it like there?' she asked softly.

'There are enormous mountains covered in snow all year round, and valleys so deep you can hardly see the bottom ...'

'I was born in Bannador,' she said. 'We also have big mountains.'

'These ones are so big that when the wind blows they write their names in the sky, and the glaciers ...'

'What are glaciers, Cryl-Nish?'

'Rivers of ice that flow down from ice caps half a thousand spans thick, grinding out the bottoms of mighty valleys and not stopping until they reach the sea. Sometimes they break into chunks of ice as big as islands and float across the ocean. Many a sailor has seen an iceberg loom up out of the foggy night and knows that his little s.h.i.+p was going straight to the bottom and he with it, never to see his wife and his darling daughters again.'

Nish was enjoying his rhetoric, though at the last the girl bit her lip and he turned to safer waters. 'We have great snow bears in the mountains, white beasts so big that they could not get through the door of a house. I saw one once and it was almost two spans high. It could have eaten a lyrinx for breakfast.'

Ketila brightened at that. 'Are they not dangerous?'

'Very dangerous, though they seldom attack people unless they get between a mother and her cubs.' Nish's eye met Tinketil's for a second.

'Have you ever killed a snow bear?' asked Ketila.

Nish felt the urge to make up a heroic story, but suppressed it. He was not sure why. 'No, Ketila, I haven't. To tell you the truth, I don't like killing things much, and snow bears are magnificent creatures.'

'You killed the nylatl.' They had all heard that tale.

'I had to, or it would never have stopped trying to kill me. It was mad, the poor creature. The lyrinx flesh-formed it out of nothing. Did I tell you that?'

'No,' she breathed.

The whole family was listening as he told the tale of the lyrinx attack, the flesh-formed little monstrosities he had found in the ice houses on the plateau, and all that he had learned about the depraved Art since. It was a long tale, and both girls' eyelids were drooping by the time he finished it.

'Thank you,' said Ketila. 'That was a wonderful tale. You are so brave. Good night, Nish.'

'Good night.'

When they were asleep he said quietly to Oinan, who had been out earlier in the evening, 'Have you had any luck so far?'

'No. It's a delicate matter, Cryl-Nish. I have to be sure we won't be informed on before I ask my favour.'

Since there was no more he could do, Nish settled down to sleep. It was not a good start.

The weary days went by. One night, something roused Nish in the early hours of the morning. It had been a noise, far off. He looked out through the opening of the hovel. It was still pitch dark. Crawling outside, he stood up and stretched. The night was mild compared to what he was used to. The stars glittered in a clear sky. He wandered around the huts, relieved himself, yawned and headed back. Again came that noise, a faint, distant roar like an angry mob.

Fleeting across to the palisade he peered through a knothole. It was dark outside, which was strange. Normally the guards patrolled with blazing torches, calling to one another. He went further along, to a gap between two poles, and heard that faint roar again.

Nish pulled himself up the palisade. There was not a guard in sight. He slipped his leg over and sat atop the fence as if it was a saddle. The roar was louder from here and he made out a glow in the north, from the direction of Nilkerrand.

A not-so-faint glow when he stood up, one foot on the outside rail, the other in the valley he had been sitting on. It looked like a fire. He knew there was no forest up that way, and it was too early in the season for the fields to be burning. It must be in the city.

The sound came on the wind, louder now, a terrified mob. Flames shot up. Nilkerrand was burning, its hundred thousand inhabitants running for their lives, and the guards of the refugee camp had fled. The battlefront must have moved faster than anyone expected. It was almost on them.

Racing back to the hovel, Nish shook Oinan and Tinketil awake. 'Get up!' he hissed. 'Nilkerrand is burning and the guards have run away. The enemy is upon us.'

They must have been used to fleeing in the night for they woke instantly and pulled their boots on. Nish felt for his own. Tinketil woke the children, who were just as silent and grimly efficient. In a reed-light Nish saw Ketila's eyes on him again.