Part 26 (1/2)

In mock solemnity each of the selected twelve in turn drew from between Miss Smith's fingers a colored sc.r.a.p.

”Mine's a blank,” called out Miss Vane, opening her bit of paper.

”Mine too.”

”And mine.”

”And mine is.”

”Who has it, then?”

”I seem to have drawn the fatal number,” said Madame Ybanca, holding up her slip for all to see the markings on it.

”So you have,” agreed Miss Smith. ”Now then, everybody pick out a black handkerchief from this box--they're all exactly alike. Not you, though, madame. I'll have to prepare you for your role myself.” So saying, she took one of the handkerchiefs and folded it into a long flat strip.

”Now, madame, please put your arms back of you--so! You see, I'm going to tie your hands behind your back.”

”Oh, does everybody have to be tied?” demanded Miss Vane.

”No, but everybody excepting the madame must be blindfolded,” stated Miss Smith. ”I'll explain in just one minute when I'm done with the madame here.” With fast-moving fingers she firmly drew the handkerchief about the young matron's crossed wrists. Madame Ybanca uttered a sharp little ”Ouch!”

”Oh, I'm so sorry,” said Miss Smith. ”Am I binding you too tightly?”

”No, not that; but I think you are making one of my bracelets press into my flesh. It's such a thick c.u.mbersome thing anyway.”

”Shall I slip it farther up your arm?” asked Miss Smith.

”No, take it off entirely, won't you, and keep it for me? It fastens with a little clasp.”

So Miss Smith undid the bracelet, which was a band of curiously chased heavy gold, studded with big bosses containing blue stones, and dropped it into her handy blouse pocket.

Then swiftly she finished her task of knotting the handkerchief ends and Madame Ybanca, very securely bound, stood forth in the midst of a laughing ring, making a pretty and appealing picture, her face slightly flushed by embarra.s.sment.

”One thing more for your adornment and you'll be ready,” promised Miss Smith.

Burrowing beneath the remaining handkerchiefs in the box she produced a collarlike device of soft russet leather, all hung with fat silver sleigh bells which, being loosely sewed to the fabric by means of twisted wire threads, jingled constantly and busily. The slightest movement set the wires to quivering like antennae and the bells to making music. Miss Smith lifted the leather circlet down over Madame Ybanca's head so that it rested upon her shoulders, looping across just below the base of the throat.

”Take a step forward,” she bade the madame, and as the latter obeyed, all the bells tinkled together with a constant merry clamour.

”Behold!” said Miss Smith. ”The lady of the bells is caparisoned for her part. Now then, let each person blindfold his or her eyes with the handkerchief you have; but take care that you are well blinded.

”Oh, Miss Ballister, let me adjust your handkerchief, won't you? I'm afraid you might disarrange that lovely hair ornament of yours unless you have help. There! How's that! Can you see anything at all? How many fingers do I hold up?”

”Oh, I'm utterly in the dark,” said Miss Ballister. ”I can't see a thing.”

”Are you all hooded?” called Miss Smith.

A chorus of a.s.sents went up.

”Good! Then listen a moment: It will be Madame Ybanca's task to catch hold of some one of you with her hands fastened as they are behind her.

It is your task to keep out of her way; the bells are to warn you of her approach. Whoever is caught takes her place and becomes It.