Part 27 (1/2)
”I have learned from various reliable sources,” the detective replied, ”that Ralph Mainwaring has a younger brother, Harold, who is as much of a money-lover as himself, though too indolent to take the same measures for acquiring it. He is a reckless, unprincipled fellow, and having about run through his own property, I understand, he has had great expectations regarding this American estate, depending upon his share of the same to retrieve his wasted fortune.
I learned yesterday, by cable, that since the departure of Ralph Mainwaring and his family for this country, his brother has been missing, and it is supposed, among his a.s.sociates in London, that he took the next steamer for America, intending to a.s.sert his own claims.”
”And you think--” the attorney interrupted, breathlessly; but Merrick shook his head and continued,--
”I have also, in the course of my investigations, incidentally discovered Hugh Mainwaring's secret, and, consequently, Hobson's secret, only that I know the real facts in the case, which Hobson does not know. You, as Mainwaring's friend, will not care to learn the details, and I shall not speak of them now, but I will say this much: there are probably in existence to-day, and perhaps not very far distant, heirs to this property, having a claim preceding not only that of Ralph Mainwaring or his son, but of Hugh Mainwaring himself.”
There was silence for a few moments as the detective paused, Mr.
Whitney's surprise rendering him speechless; at last he said,--
”Well, you are a truthful fellow, Merrick, and you never jump at conclusions, so I know your statements can be relied upon; but I'll be blessed if I understand how or when you have gathered all this information together. I suppose it would be useless to ask your deductions from all this, but I wish you would answer one or two questions. Do you think that this Harold Mainwaring, or those possible heirs you mention, would put in an appearance personally, or that they would work through agents and emissaries?”
”Depends altogether upon circ.u.mstances. Harold Mainwaring would not be likely to appear on the scene unless he were pretty effectually disguised. As to the others,--if they were to a.s.sert their claim,--it would be difficult to say just what course they might take.
I have made these statements merely to give you a hint of the possibilities involved in the case. It is now getting rather late, but I will give you one or two pointers to ruminate upon. Don't think that Hobson will run any risks or put himself to any personal inconvenience for Mrs. LaGrange. He is working first and foremost for Richard Hobson, after that for whoever will pay him best.
Another thing, don't ever for a moment imagine that Hugh Mainwaring's private secretary is looking for a job. It's my opinion he'll give you fellows one of the hardest jobs you ever tackled; and, unless I'm greatly mistaken, he's got brains enough and backing enough to carry through whatever he undertakes.”
”Say! I don't know as I exactly catch your meaning; but that's one thing I wanted to ask you. What do you think of that young man, anyway? I can't make him out.”
”I noticed that you had not a.s.signed him any place in that theory of yours.”
”No; he's been a mystery to me, a perfect mystery; but this evening a new idea has occurred to me, and I would like your judgment on it.
Has he ever reminded you of any one? That is, can you recall any one whom he resembles?”
”Well, I should say there was a marked resemblance. I've often wondered where your eyes were that you had not seen it.”
”You have noticed it, then? Well, so have I; but it has puzzled me, for, though the look was familiar, I was unable to recall whose it was until to-night. Now that I have recalled it, that, taken in connection with some other things I have observed, has led me to wonder whether it were possible that he is a son of Hugh Mainwaring's, of whose existence no one in this country has ever known.”
”Hugh Mainwaring! I don't understand you.”
”Why, you just acknowledged you had noticed the resemblance between them!”
”I beg your pardon; but you must recollect that I have never seen Hugh Mainwaring living, and have little idea how he looked.”
”By George! that's a fact. Well, then, who in the d.i.c.kens do you think he resembles?”
The coachman's step was heard at that instant on the stairs, and Merrick's reply was necessarily brief.
”Laying aside expression, take feature for feature, and you have the face of Mrs. LaGrange.”
One of the first duties which the secretary was called upon to perform, during his brief stay at Fair Oaks, was to make a copy of the lost will. He still retained in his possession the stenographic notes of the original doc.u.ment as it had been dictated by Hugh Mainwaring on that last morning of his life, and it was but the work of an hour or two to again transcribe them in his clear chirography.
Engaged in this work, he was seated at the large desk in the tower-room, which had that morning been opened for use for the first time since the death of its owner. He wrote rapidly, and the doc.u.ment was nearly completed when Mr. Whitney and Ralph Mainwaring together entered the adjoining room.
”Egad!” he heard the latter exclaim, angrily, ”if that blasted scoundrel thinks he has any hold on me, or that he can keep me on the rack as he did Hugh, he'll find he has made the biggest mistake of his life. It is nothing but a blackmailing scheme, and I've more than half a mind to sift the whole matter to the bottom and land that beggarly impostor where he belongs.”