Part 47 (1/2)

”I know he isn't, Mr. Jasper, but all the same I wouldn't advise him riding Bucephalus.”

”What are you afraid of?”

”He's a contrary brute, while Sidney's as good-natured as a kitten.”

”Oh, well, we'd better have a kitten at once. Gilbert, we've got an old cat in the house, warranted safe. If John thinks it more prudent, we'll saddle her for you. A kitten might be too wild and skittish.”

Gilbert laughed.

”I think I won't disturb the old cat,” he said. ”I'll try Bucephalus.”

”Better not, sir,” said the coachman.

”Of course, if you are afraid,” said Jasper, with another covert sneer, ”you'd better take Sidney; but in that case I shall probably ride away from you.”

”I'll take Bucephalus,” said Gilbert, in decided tones. ”I am not in the least afraid, and I think I can keep up with you.”

”On that horse I am sure you can.”

John saw that further remonstrance would be unavailing, and very reluctantly got ready the mettlesome steed. Gilbert jumped on his back and put his feet in the stirrups.

John came to his side, and said, in a low voice:

”Be very careful, sir. Let him have his way, and don't chafe or vex him. I hope you won't have any trouble.”

”I don't think I shall. Thank you.”

”What could possess Mr. Jasper to be so particular to have his friend ride out on the ugly brute?” thought John, as he watched the two galloping up the road. ”He wouldn't trust himself on his back. Maybe he won't mind it so much if the other gets a broken limb or broken neck. I hope there won't be no accident. That Gilbert, as he calls himself, looks like a nice, gentlemanly lad. I think I'd like him much better than Mr. Jasper, who does put on airs, and orders me round as if I was a dog.”

John watched the two till a turn in the road concealed them from his view, and then went back to his work. But his thoughts could not help dwelling on the rash youth who had placed himself at the mercy of this ill-tempered steed, and he heartily wished he could be sure of his safe return.

We will now follow the two riders, and inquire how they sped.

Jasper soon found that Gilbert knew how to ride. His position was easy and unconstrained, and his seat was firm. He seemed as much at ease as in a parlor. But then Bucephalus was behaving well. He showed spirit, but was obedient to the rein.

”How do you like Bucephalus?” inquired Jasper.

”I find no fault with him. He is a fine horse. What made your coachman so afraid of trusting me on him?”

”I hope you won't be angry with John,” answered Jasper, laughing, ”but he doubted whether you could ride. If you didn't know anything about riding, your horse would soon find it out, and take advantage of it.”

”Almost any horse would do that.”

”Of course.”

”I suppose you have ridden Bucephalus, Jasper?”

”Certainly, though not often. I am used to my own horse--General, I call him--and I naturally prefer him.”

Jasper did not speak the truth. He had never ridden Bucephalus, nor would he have done so for a considerable sum of money, though he was by no means a poor rider. But Gilbert had no reason, or thought he had not, for doubting his a.s.sertion, and readily believed that it was only the coachman's doubt of his horsemans.h.i.+p that had given rise to the fears he expressed.