Part 44 (1/2)

Jasper turned unwillingly, for he antic.i.p.ated some remonstrance or criticism upon his conduct.

”I wanted to go out,” he said.

”I wish to speak to you on a matter of importance,” said his father, seriously.

”Now for a blowing up,” thought Jasper. ”I suppose I must grin and bear it.”

But this time he was mistaken.

”You are going to have company for a few days,” said James Grey.

”Who is it?” asked Jasper, in surprise.

”A boy of about your own age. He is up stairs preparing for dinner at this moment.”

”Is it any one I know?”

”It is not.”

”What is his name?”

”He calls himself Gilbert Grey.”

”Is he any relation?”

”He calls himself your cousin.”

”Why do you say 'calls himself?'” inquired Jasper, in some mystification.

”Because I do not propose to admit his claim. While he is here, he will pa.s.s as a distant relative.”

”I don't understand, father. Is his claim a false one?”

”Listen, Jasper, for it is fitting that you should know all, since you are quite as much interested as I am. Do you remember your Uncle John?”

”No. I was too young when he died to remember him.”

”It was he that was wealthy, not I. I had a comparatively small interest in the firm, but as he died childless I succeeded naturally to his property. That made me rich, and ever since I have been possessed of large means. But if he had left a son, all this would have been changed. The son would have inherited the bulk of his property, and I should have received an inconsiderable legacy. Do you follow me?”

”Yes, sir, but I don't see the force of it. My uncle left no son.”

”Gilbert Grey, as he calls himself, contends that he did leave a son, and he claims to be that son.”

”But it is a lie,” said Jasper, hastily.

”Of course, but you understand the motive.”

”That he may deprive us of the property.”
