Part 38 (1/2)

”I want you to watch carefully, and, whenever you learn anything worthy my knowing, write me immediately, to the address I have given you. See if you remember it.”

”Clayton, Illinois.”

”For every letter containing information of value, I will send you ten dollars. I shall not write direct from Clayton, lest the letter be seen, but I will manage to have my letters posted from St. Louis. That is where Gilbert supposes I am living.”

”Perhaps you had better direct to my boarding-place, and not to the store.”

”A good suggestion. Give me your address.”

James Grey took it down in his memorandum book.

”I believe that is all,” he said. ”Remain faithful to my interests,” he added, ”and I will take care you do not regret it.”

”I shall not regret it, if it interferes with Gilbert Grey.”

”If you are his enemy, you cannot harm him more than by devoting yourself to my service.”

”I will do it.”

James Grey now hurried away, and Maurice went back to the store. He thought himself unsuspected of the theft of the paper, but he did not long remain so, and it was through his own imprudence that it happened.

The black mustache which he had used as a disguise he thrust carelessly in his vest pocket. One day in the store, in drawing out his watch-key, the mustache came too, and dropped on the floor.

Maurice stooped hastily to pick it up, but not till Gilbert had seen it. The latter at once remembered the servant's description of the young man who called for his opera-gla.s.s.

”How long have you had that mustache, Maurice?” he asked, pointedly.

”I bought it yesterday,” muttered Maurice, in confusion.

”I thought you might have had it longer,” said Gilbert, quietly.

Maurice did not answer.

”Now I know who stole the paper,” thought our hero. ”I must be on my guard against him.”

He said nothing further; but Maurice knew that he was suspected, and it only incensed him the more against his fellow-clerk.



Gilbert could not help wondering how Maurice and Mr. James Grey were brought together, and how it happened that the former became his uncle's agent and accomplice. He knew, however, that Maurice never liked him, and guessed that this had been an inducement.

”I wonder,” he thought, ”if there is any chance of his communicating my plans to Mr. Grey? It will be best for me to keep him in ignorance of my destination.”

When, therefore, he was ready to start, he resolved only to tell him that he was going to St. Louis. This was, in truth, his first destination, but, as we know, he intended to go farther.

Maurice, who didn't before know of Gilbert's plans, was surprised when the latter walked up to him and said: