Part 31 (1/2)

”I infer that you do not like him?”

”No, I don't.”

”Nor do I.”

Probably Mr. Grey could not have said anything more likely to win young Walton's confidence than this frank expression of dislike.

”The fact is,” continued Mr. Grey, ”I suppose I may speak to you in confidence?”

”Oh! certainly, sir,” said Maurice, eagerly, for he antic.i.p.ated hearing something to Gilbert's disadvantage.

”Then,” said Mr. Grey, in a low tone, ”I look upon him as an impostor.”

”You do?” repeated young Walton. ”What makes you think so?”

”I don't like to speak openly in the street. Can you give me an hour, or even half an hour of your time, or is it necessary for you to go home at once?”

”Where are you stopping, sir?”

”At the Burnet House.”

”I think I can spare half an hour. It is near by.”

”Thank you. I will endeavor to make the interview a profitable one for you. I am going to ask a service of you, and I am willing to pay handsomely for it.”

Upon a young man ”hard up,” as Maurice was, this suggestion was not thrown away.

”I shall be glad to help you, sir,” he said, quickly.

”Come with me, then. I will defer saying more till we are seated in my room at the hotel.”

In less than five minutes they were so seated. By the gaslight Maurice got a fair view of his companion, and was led to wonder who he was.

”Mr. Walton,” said the older man, ”it is only fair that I should give you an equal advantage with myself. I know your name. You do not know mine. Let me introduce myself as James Grey.”

”Formerly in business in this city?”

”The same.”

”The uncle of Gilbert Grey?”

”So he says.”

It was impossible to mistake the tone in which these words were spoken.

”Is he not really your nephew?” asked Maurice, in surprise.

James Grey shrugged his shoulders.

”He _pretends_ to be; but I believe him to be an impostor.”