Part 39 (1/2)

The boudoir door closed after the elders, and there was silence in the drawing-room Herbert becaering the ornaloomily out of the , and Brenda tried to read

Eustace could stand the inaction and the unsy up, he strolled into the sweet-s conservatory to be alone

There were scents there that alafted him in memory back hoe oval stage covered with flowers in the centre, and round this he strolled towards the outer door

So it was about the wreck Bob had co than they already knew? The boy's common sense told him that the detailsof less iht Bob over Perhaps he had edy!

Perhaps there were last irl!

Eustace turned a corner and came to an abrupt standstill It seemed to hi and his hair stood straight on end

It was absurd, of course Bob had turned out to be noelse Here was proof positive of Mr Orban's words that one has but to think hard enough about a person to iine one sees hiure with a face as colourless as her dress--stood Dorothy Chase; nothing about her was lifelike except the faazed steadfastly on the startled boy

It was an extraordinarily vivid hallucination, and not a little terrifying Was it no fancy? Could it possibly be Aunt Dorothy's spirit coht leapt into the boy's mind

Eustace was no coward, but the notion fairly paralyzed him; he could not have moved to save his life One supreme effort he made

”Aunt Dorothy,” he whispered hoarsely, and could say no more, for his lips were parched, his throat was dry

The vision raised a warning hand

”Hush!+” she said; ”don't be frightened I see Bob has not told you yet; but it is all right, darling I a, and no spirit Just Aunt Dorothy come back to you safe and sound”

The words seemed to come from far away, and Eustace felt so queer he swayed to try and keep his balance He was so giddy he ht hi arms about him, the warht hiain, and he did not faint But even then he could not believe his senses

”I don't understand,” he gasped, shaking froainst her shoulder to try and recover himself

”Poor old chap!” said Aunt Dorothy, ”how I have upset you! I neverthe news to father and ently We were afraid the shock of joy would be too much for them, so we did not even cable, but caot here very little sooner than ourselves”

She talked on in a soft, soothing voice to give the boy tiether, and all the time she held hied to blurt out

”Very nearly, but not quite,” was the reply; ”my escape was like a miracle Ah, here comes Bob at last”

”Have I see to do Co for you”

The pair passed swiftly up the conservatory into the drawing-roo a piece of valuable Sevres china As the stranger, accoure, crossed the room to the boudoir, the ornament fell with a crash, to be splintered into twenty pieces on the fender

”Oh, as that?” cried Brenda, starting to her feet and gazing after the apparition