Part 3 (1/2)

After dinner, Janet insisted on helping with the clean up, so Carter and I left her and Riley over a warm sink full of suds. It was kind of cool to see Riley with his s.h.i.+rt sleeves rolled up, his forearms covered in foam. ”I don't think I've seen that in a long time,” Carter said as we walked out of the main building of Mount Zion.

With Carter and I forming a new marriage, there was talk about us getting our own place. We'd decided to build our own house on the premises, however. In our line of work, it was kind of important that we all be close by. Therefore, another house was built where some of the old Hospital Buildings were. Nowhere near as grandiose as the main building, it was still a pretty impressive house, with four bedrooms and lots of s.p.a.ce. It was technically Carter's, since I was supposed to be staying in the main house until we were married, but other than for public relations purposes, we'd shared the house from the day construction was finished.

”Did you see the way he looked at her during dessert?” I asked Carter as we crossed the walk towards our house. ”He's so into her, I was surprised he didn't hit himself in the cheek with his spoon at some point.”

”I remember when I did that,” Carter said with a chuckle. ”It was right about the time that I realized all of our fighting and bickering was because I was in love with you.”

”Took me a while to come to the same realization,” I said, ”but I'm glad I did.”

We went inside the house, kicking off our shoes in the entryway. Turning to Carter, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, letting go of the pa.s.sions that had been coursing through my veins for the past hour or more. ”Speaking of being in love....”

”I thought you wanted to wait until the ceremony?” Carter said with a grin as he kissed me back. ”What happened to that?”

”We can save the playroom until after the honeymoon,” I mock-growled. ”You'll see your me on your honeymoon often enough.”

Carter s.h.i.+vered in reply, smiling. Having grown up in a household like ours, we hadn't grown up with any of the s.e.xual hangups that a lot of people did. The idea of him and I playing BDSM games was just normal to us, and a thrill that sent s.h.i.+vers down both of our spines. We weren't heavy into it, but it was fun every now and then, and a little thing we were withholding from ourselves prior to our wedding. It was something to look forward to.

Carter's arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up, carrying me easily back through the house towards our bedroom.

I love being in Carter's arms, because he's one of the few men who can truly make me feel tiny. At nearly six feet tall and athletic, I'm no little twig, so an average-sized man just wouldn't do. But Carter can literally sweep me off my feet and carry me like I'm a feather. His arm muscles bulged under his s.h.i.+rt as he looked into my eyes, a grin on his face before he turned me sideways so as to not bang my head on the doorway of our bedroom. Laying me on the mattress, he collapsed beside me, his lips already finding mine and our tongues wrapping around each other. We kissed for long, wonderful minutes, his full lips caressing mine. Carter has the most sensuous mouth I've ever seen on a man, with a full set of lips that he inherited from his mother. And my G.o.d does that man know how to use them.

A feral grin spread across his face as he kissed along my throat, his right hand stroking up and down my spine through my blouse. While it's true I normally wear tomboy-ish clothing, and almost always wear pants instead of dresses or skirts, I loved the feeling of the air on my bare legs as he reached my hip and cupped my a.s.s. He nipped the skin along my carotid artery, a silvery spear of desire shooting through me. ”You're not wearing any stockings.”

”I didn't just get dressed up for Riley and Janet's benefit,” I said, pus.h.i.+ng his head back. ”I got dressed up for you too.”

”Does that mean?” Carter asked, antic.i.p.ation and excitement flaring in his eyes. I nodded, and his smile was pure and broad. ”Delicious.”

While Carter and I had grown up without any s.e.xual hangups, there were still some things that weren't common, and finding in each other the perfect s.e.xual partner was just another layer to our relations.h.i.+p that showed we were literally meant for each other. Reaching under my skirt, Carter eased off my panties, which was already damp with arousal, and set them next to the bed. ”Now your turn.”

I kissed his forehead, dragging my fingernails down his s.h.i.+rt. Carter's breath caught in his throat when I paused at his waistband, only to explode in a gust of soft laughter when I merely pulled his s.h.i.+rt from out of his pants and worked on unb.u.t.toning it. ”You're teasing me.”

”Yep,” I said with a laugh. ”And the best part is, the more I tease you, the more you get me back, and the more that I get satisfied.”

I pushed Carter over onto his back, mounting his hips and sitting back. Slowly, I unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt, running my hands over the exposed stomach muscles. Carter's body was like an anatomy chart, with golden tanned skin and just the faintest hint of hair.

”I still don't know how you do it,” I said, leaning over and kissing the ridges of his abdominal muscles.

”What?” he asked in between groans. I could feel his c.o.c.k swollen and deliciously thick under me within his pants, his hands ma.s.saging my a.s.s as I kissed my way up his torso.

”You're nearly so Irish you should be considered for a stereotype,” I said, ”yet you have the most perfect tan to your skin. I know you don't have a tanning bed, so what gives?”

”I was created with one purpose only, I think,” Carter said, stroking his fingers through my hair. I licked around his nipple and sucked it into my mouth, biting softly on the hard nub. Carter groaned, his fingers tightening on my head, then continued. ”I was made to please you.”

”And you certainly do that,” I said, coming up and kissing him again.

His hands found my blouse again, tugging it from the waistband of my skirt and pus.h.i.+ng the fabric upward. I love loose blouses, even when I wear pants. They give me freedom of movement and airiness, along with having the added bonus that when Carter and I are in bed together, he can reach all the way up to my shoulders without having to worry about the b.u.t.tons at all.

Carter took advantage of it now, unhooking my bra and letting my b.r.e.a.s.t.s dangle free. I was actually wearing something strapless, so he was able to fully remove the support and let my body feel almost totally naked.

”So delectable,” he said, bringing his lips to my breast through my blouse. The thin silk was soon soaked, molding to my skin but still tantalizingly separated from his warm tongue. It didn't stop Carter from running his tongue around and around my left nipple, teasing it until I was moaning and gasping in his arms, pulling him up to feast upon my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I was straddling his lap, his c.o.c.k pressing through his pants against me, his lips sucking on my breast, and I was in heaven. I ground back and forth, my c.l.i.t rubbing against the slightly rough fabric of Carter's pants, groaning. ”That's it. You can come for me.”

Each time we made love, it was unique. Sometimes one of us was more in control, sometimes the other, and sometimes we were equals. This time he was in control, holding me closely and pus.h.i.+ng my body towards a climax.

The first o.r.g.a.s.m built somewhere below my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, just above my stomach. I ground my hips back and forth, soaking his pants and adding to the wonderful friction. The tension built within me, tighter and tighter, until I felt Carter's finger slip inside me. He had curled his hand all the way around my a.s.s, and it was all I needed, that single intimate caress. All of the tension within me uncoiled, shudders racking my body. I kissed him hard, moaning into his mouth as my first o.r.g.a.s.m rippled and rolled, happiness coming behind it. He held me tenderly through it all, safe and secure.

When it finally pa.s.sed, I sat in his arms, leaning my head on his shoulder. After a moment, I kissed him again, feeling the need within him underneath me. ”Want me to leave my skirt on?”

”Would you?” Carter asked with a grin. ”It's so much naughtier that way.”

I nodded, returning the smile. We'd discovered it purely by accident, one of the first times we'd acknowledged that we had a s.e.xual attraction to each other. We were still in the bickering phase of our relations.h.i.+p, when we knew we needed each other but sometimes refusing to accept just how much. We'd had a patrol that had gone pretty well, except that Carter refused to stop with his wisecracks. Getting back to the strike base, he could tell I was fuming.

”What? It was boring as s.h.i.+t out there!”

”Still, I don't need to listen to your c.r.a.p Carter. I nearly missed that last jump you were so up in my ear.”

”Then focus better, Andi. Don't blame me for your f.u.c.kups.”

”Kiss my a.s.s, Carter.”

He'd frozen, his eyes flaring with a light I had just started to become familiar with. One thing led to another, and we both ended up doing something in the strike base that I'd never even considered before.

I brought my mind back to the present as I got on my hands and knees, my legs slightly spread. Carter got off the bed, his belt jingling as he undid his pants and stripped down. Glancing back, the first flares of fresh heat filled me looking at his absolutely ripped body. Sure, I get it that a lot of women like the lean, lithe look, but give me Carter with his barrel chest and rippling muscles any day of the week. He was a strong man, and just as smart and emotionally strong as he was physically. ”And you're all mine.”

”What's that?” he asked, climbing on the bed behind me. He reached forward with his right hand, sliding it under my skirt and over my a.s.s. I groaned thickly, pleasure shooting through me as he rubbed me.

”You're all mine,” I said, lowering my head. I let my eyes close as I focused on the wonderful feeling of Carter's hands ma.s.saging my backside, his fingers kneading and easing the tension I carried in there. With each sweep of his thumbs, I felt more tension run out of my muscles and gathering between my legs. When Carter's thumbs stopped, and his breath danced over my spread apart hips, the breath caught in my throat.

The first feeling of Carter's lips on my a.s.s was as it always was, warm and electric. Fresh heat and wetness flared as he made his way to my lower back. His tongue traced over me, and I cried out. He added to the sensation by bringing his fingers up to stroke between the lips of my p.u.s.s.y, gathering the moisture before slipping inside.

He pulled back, giving me a chance to calm my breath, and I felt his c.o.c.k instead easing between my l.a.b.i.a, brus.h.i.+ng over my c.l.i.t and sending another fountain of fireworks through my body. ”Carter . . . ”

”Yes, my love?” he asked teasingly.

”I need you,” I groaned. I turned over, keeping my legs spread and hips as high as I could, giving me a view of Carter's c.o.c.k. Long and thick, he'd once told me after we started sleeping together that he knew I was the woman for him s.e.xually because I never complained about him being too big. But I was woman enough for him, and that was all I needed. ”Make me yours.”

”What's the magic word?” he teased, holding his iron hard c.o.c.k in one hand, tracing the head between my lips. I s.h.i.+vered each time he brushed it against my c.l.i.t, which was so swollen and needy it literally stood up at the top of my cleft, visible above the smooth skin surrounding it. I knew if I didn't answer he could keep me there, teased and desperate for as long as it took for my will to break, never losing his erection. It was just one of the ways I knew I aroused him. ”You know the magic word.”

I smiled, and spread my legs wider. ”Please, my soon-to-be-husband?”

I didn't even need to wait as Carter slid inside me in one long smooth, powerful thrust, both of us freezing temporarily when he was all the way inside me. I knew that the pause was necessary, or else neither of us could hold back and prolong the process long enough to enjoy it. For Carter and I, s.e.x was like food. Necessary, and sure sometimes a quickie was all you needed, but like a fine dinner, it should be savored and relished when we could. We had the time this night, and wanted to enjoy it.

Looking Carter in his eyes, I nodded slightly, and he returned the nod, his hands once again coming under my blouse, this time lifting and pus.h.i.+ng it to expose my b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his caress. At the same time he pulled back slowly, thrusting in and out at an almost glacial pace, our bodies so on edge that it was all we could handle.

We toed that line, Carter controlling his thrusts, easing his c.o.c.k in and out of my body so that we were both building, ever building toward another o.r.g.a.s.m, but never going fast enough or hard enough to launch us over the edge. Instead, with every inch of his c.o.c.k disappearing in and out of me, I felt more and more pleasure rippling through me. As we sped up, it was like ripples on a pond, each impact of his hips against mine sending golden rings of blissful energy spreading from my p.u.s.s.y and throughout my body. My heart hammered in my chest as I looked Carter in his beautiful green eyes, the same color as a flawless emerald. ”Go, Carter.”