Part 13 (1/2)
It was agreed, and Prosper Alix departed, leaving M. Paul de Senanges, convinced that the right, indeed the only, thing had been done, and yet much troubled and depressed.
Pichon _pere_ was a short, squat, powerfully built man, verging on sixty, whose thick, dark grizzled hair, st.u.r.dy limbs, and hard hands, on which the muscles showed like cords, spoke of endurance and strength; he was, indeed, noted in the neighborhood for those qualities. His sons resembled him slightly, and each other closely, as was natural, for they were twins. They were heavy, lumpish fellows, and they made but an ungracious return to the attempted civilities of the stranger, to whom the offer of their mother to show him his room was a decided relief. As he rose to follow the woman, Paul de Senanges lifted his small valise with difficulty from the floor, on which he had placed it on entering the house, and carried it out of the room in both his arms. The brothers followed these movements with curiosity, and, when the door closed behind their mother and the stranger, their eyes met.
Twenty-four hours had pa.s.sed away, and nothing new had occurred at the Maison Alix. The servants had not expressed any curiosity respecting the departure of the citizen Glaire, no domiciliary visit had taken place, and Berthe and her father were discussing the propriety of Prosper's venturing, on the pretext of an excursion in another direction, a visit to the isolated and quiet dwelling of the master-mason. No signal had yet arrived. It was agreed that after the lapse of another day, if their tranquillity remained undisturbed, Prosper Alix should visit Paul de Senanges. Berthe, who was silent and preoccupied, retired to her own room early, and her father, who was uneasy and apprehensive, desperately anxious for the promised communication from the Marquis, was relieved by her absence.
The moon was high in the dark sky, and her beams were flung across the polished oak floor of Berthe's bedroom, through the great window with the stone balcony, when the girl, who had gone to sleep with her lover's name upon her lips in prayer, awoke with a sudden start, and sat up in her bed. An unbearable dread was upon her; and yet she was unable to utter a cry, she was unable to make another movement. Had she heard a voice? No, no one had spoken, nor did she fancy that she heard any sound. But within her, somewhere inside her heaving bosom, something said, ”Berthe!”
And she listened, and knew what it was. And it spoke, and said:
”I promised you that, living or dead, I would come to you again. And I have come to you; but not living.”
She was quite awake. Even in the agony of her fear she looked around, and tried to move her hands, to feel her dress and the bedclothes, and to fix her eyes on some familiar object, that she might satisfy herself, before this racing and beating, this whirling and yet icy chilliness of her blood should kill her outright, that she was really awake.
”I have come to you; but not living.”
What an awful thing that voice speaking within her was! She tried to raise her head and to look toward the place where the moonbeams marked bright lines upon the polished floor, which lost themselves at the foot of the j.a.panese screen. She forced herself to this effort, and lifted her eyes, wild and haggard with fear, and there, the moonbeams at his feet, the tall black screen behind him, she saw Paul de Senanges. She saw him; she looked at him quite steadily; she rose, slowly, with a mechanical movement, and stood upright beside her bed, clasping her forehead with her hands, and gazing at him. He stood motionless, in the dress he had worn when he took leave of her, the light-colored riding-coat of the period, with a short cape, and a large white cravat tucked into the double breast. The white muslin was flecked, and the front of the riding-coat was deeply stained, with blood. He looked at her, and she took a step forward-another-then, with a desperate effort, she dashed open the railing and flung herself on her knees before him, with her arms stretched out as if to clasp him. But he was no longer there; the moonbeams fell clear and cold upon the polished floor, and lost themselves where Berthe lay, at the foot of the screen, her head upon the ground, and every sign of life gone from her.
”Where is the citizen Glaire?” asked Prosper Alix of the _citoyenne_ Pichon, entering the house of the master-mason abruptly, and with a stern and threatening countenance. ”I have a message for him; I must see him.”
”I know nothing about him,” replied the _citoyenne_, without turning in his direction, or relaxing her culinary labors. ”He went away from here the next morning, and I did not trouble myself to ask where; that is his affair.”
”He went away? Without letting me know! Be careful, _citoyenne_; this is a serious matter.”
”So they tell me,” said the woman with a grin, which was not altogether free from pain and fear; ”for you! A serious thing to have a _suspect_ in your house, and palm him off on honest people. However, he went away peaceably enough when he knew we had found him out, and that we had no desire to go to prison, or worse, on his account, or yours.”
She was strangely insolent, this woman, and the listener felt his helplessness; he had brought the young man there with such secrecy, he had so carefully provided for the success of concealment.
”Who carried his valise?” Prosper Alix asked her suddenly.
”How should I know?” she replied; but her hands lost their steadiness, and she upset a stew-pan; ”he carried it here, didn't he? and I suppose he carried it away again.”
Prosper Alix looked at her steadily-she shunned his gaze, but she showed no other sign of confusion; then horror and disgust of the woman came over him.
”I must see Pichon,” he said; ”where is he?”
”Where should he be but at the wall? he and the boys are working there, as always. The citizen can see them; but he will remember not to detain them; in a little quarter of an hour the soup will be ready.”
The citizen did see the master-mason and his sons, and after an interview of some duration he left the place in a state of violent agitation and complete discomfiture. The master-mason had addressed to him these words at parting:
”I a.s.sert that the man went away at his own free will; but if you do not keep very quiet, I shall deny that he came here at all-you cannot prove he did-and I will denounce you for harboring a _suspect_ and _ci-devant_ under a false name. I know a De Senanges when I see him as well as you, citizen Alix; and, wis.h.i.+ng M. Paul a good journey, I hope you will consider about this matter, for truly, my friend, I think you will sneeze in the sack before I shall.”
”We must bear it, Berthe, my child,” said Prosper Alix to his daughter many weeks later, when the fever had left her, and she was able to talk with her father of the mysterious and frightful events which had occurred. ”We are utterly helpless. There is no proof, only the word of these wretches against mine, and certain destruction to me if I speak.
We will go to Spain, and tell the Marquis all the truth, and never return, if you would rather not. But, for the rest, we must bear it.”
”Yes, my father,” said Berthe submissively, ”I know we must; but G.o.d need not, and I don't believe He will.”